Attention shills and Q doubters, you guys will be arrested and promptly executed - ALL OF YOU, NO EXCEPTIONS. Why? Not sure, b-b-but… well… well…f-fuck you s-s-shills!!!!
hold on, Q sending transmission… standby…. 09889080g99070hf707–z-ghz-hzz [DICKS] 9080895_— [day of days] wooooooah shit extra cool transmission
ram ranch is under siege, under lockdown omfg
but there was a post months ago where someone noted the same thing and said "WOW MUST BE BIG WEEK COMING" and Q responded to it… and yeah… nothing happened
omg so many arrests…… the habbenings are so intense. I doubted you Q but I am sorry for that, the habennings were so habenningly habenning
I dare you to show that picture to any normal person offline and not get laughed at or confused looks… but don't worry I'm sure you'll be proven right……….. eventually……………………..50 years from now
omg how absolutely dare you sir? Can't you see all the habbennings??? Here, check out these convoluted pictures which show that like [L] was missing and it was on this date and that means like this post had like merry christmas so like noel and no L get it? so its like proof of it all man