memefag here that has supported Trump from the get go and still do. Still trusting the plan, tho today, watching the vote theft and the sickness that is called Demoncrap, and the weakness that is called Republican, leaves me here just wilting and feeling let down. I know i am not alone. I want to fight but not sure at this point what to do. Love my frens, hoping to see a victory for America. that is all. pic related… (i think sparta lost in the end… is this us too? :(
he just sold off all his square stock last week. he going bye bye. he got 8 million buckaroonies for something…
she is just demented. like the entire democrat party.
soooooo. is this Trump just toying with the dems like a cat with a mouse and letting them steal and find boxes etc because he can prove that is what they are doing via some emails?????
AND… IF there is some sort of "recount, trial etc… then there are seats that will not be filled until resolved… is that where the Martial law goes into effect? not a law fag so..
nah, some are anons like me who just needed a vent, coming back around… it is hard to watch this blatant election theft.