Go Away Moonbeam
And that Faggot Newsome with you.
No Name said Trumps remodel job was 2nd to None.
That EO Does not pertain to anything that’s going on with this Voter fraud
Mosquito bites
Illegal aliens cost is 132 billion a year so that’s chump change
Did you even read it fuckhead? No I bet you didn’t. I read the entire fucking thing from start to finish.
Did you read it? I read every word of it, it’s for foreign governments only, it’s just for optics because of the Russia Russia thing.
You’re the idiot.
At least you seem to have some intelligence other guys don’t that are trashing me and they haven’t even read the EO
If they’re working for a foreign government. That’s all I could get out of it, I hope you’re correct but I don’t think so
Umbrella spying is 5 Eyes Fuckery, upstream spying Entangling everyone related under an umbrella When there when was only 1 target to start off with.
If they’re Working for a foreign government government.
MSM Is not included. I’m done arguing with you assholes over this read the fucking thing for yourself with open eyes