I know Sorcha Fall is not really considered a real credible source but some stories are interesting. This one for example. Maybe the finance fags want to comb through this and post thoughts….
Trump’s Solving Of “Triffin Dilemma” Now Has World Poised On Brink Of Nuclear Holocaust
The only way to protect the United States from bankruptcy, this report details, is for it to solve the “Triffin Dilemma”, and whose only cure for is the gold standard being enacted to replace the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency—that would then see the world’s Central Banks no longer having to accumulate US Dollars, which in turn would eliminate all US trade deficits forever.
During this past year, this report notes, American economic experts began to notice that President Trump was, indeed, moving the United States towards the gold standard and his abolishing of the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency—with multi-billionaire Mexican business magnate Hugo Salinas Price being one of the first to notice that Trump was solving the “Triffin Dilemma”, and the noted American financial guru Jay Taylor noticing what was occurring, too, and who quickly told his clients:
There is a method to Donald Trump’s seemingly mad economic and geopolitical policies including tariffs and the reversal of the Iranian nuclear deal that Obama orchestrated…the Triffin’s Dilemma not only explains Trump’s political success and the reasons for his policies, but that we may be nearing a massive tectonic shift in global markets as a result.
To the “massive tectonic shift” occurring due to President Trump solving the “Triffin Dilemma” by returning the United States to the gold standard just now being noticed by these experts, this report continues, has been known about since Trump took office by every nation in the world—and is why Russia and China have been furiously buying up all the gold they can, as well as every other nation in the world buying as much gold as they can, too—with Russia being the best prepared for what is to come after tripling its gold reserves as it prepares for full-scale economic war with the US Dollar.
To how the world was able to know that President Trump was preparing to solve the “Triffin Dilemma”, this report explains, was telegraphed by Trump himself on the first day he took office—and was when he walked reporters into his White House Oval Office where predominantly displayed behind his desk was the portrait of President Andrew Jackson—the slave owning founder of the Democrat Party whose candidate, Hillary Clinton, he had just defeated.
Not because of President Jackson being a slave owner or Democrat Party founder did President Trump order his portrait hung behind his White House Oval Office desk, this report details, but because of the symbolism it showed to the entire world of what he was going to do—destroy the central banking Federal Reserve system in the United States whose survival depends on the “Triffin Dilemma” as it robs the entire world of its wealth for the benefit of American-European globalist elites—and is exactly what Jackson had done over a century prior to Trump taking office.
The Federal Reserve central banking system that controls the economic life of the United States, and accumulates its massive wealth via the “Triffin Dilemma”, this report notes, is not a part of the US government, but exists by an Act of Congress—and whose Board of Governors is an independent US government agency, and the Federal Reserve Banks themselves being private corporations.
To how powerful the private banking Federal Reserve has become, this report says, is best exampled by their having President John F. Kennedy publicly executed when he tried to shut them down in 1963—President Lyndon B. Johnson having to physically assault Federal Reserve Chairman William McChesney Martin Jr.—and President George Herbert Walker Bush threatening to destroy them, but whom the Federal Reserve quickly removed from office replacing him with President Bill Clinton.
Since its founding in 1913 under the administration of President Woodrow Wilson, however, this report further notes, no American leader has been more poised to take on and destroy the Federal Reserve than President Trump—as the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve is required to have seven members–it has three—two of whom were put into their position by President Trump—two more have been nominated by Trump and are awaiting confirmation by the US Senate—and after these two are put on the Board of Governors, Trump will then nominate two more to follow them—meaning, in essence, that six of the seven Board of Governors members will have been put into place by Trump.
Rest here: http://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index2706.htm
Kinda goes right to the heart of the cabal……