Look on the bright side.
Look on the bright side.
Out of chaos comes order.
You should post the clip to that video. You might actually do something worthwhile by waking some of these sleepers up …
Ah, wait, you think I work for (((them))), so you won't want to … lol.
Here you go.
Remember when I got you to spend months trying to figure out if Snowden was our guy, their guy, a double agent, a triple agent, or just some tool?
Remember everything that accomplished?
That was hilarious.
Remember when I got you to think that Assange was going to show up in June, and that he was in our protective custody?
That was hilarious, too.
You have to let your focus get fuzzy when staring at the placeholders. If you stare long enough, a picture of an apple emerges.
You guys angry enough to accept voter ID in the form of a microchip yet?
Guess not. Few more months should do it.
[Placeholder - Lucent Technologies - prepare chips en masse]
Don't get so mad, bro. We got unified yesterday, remember?
Unified in our universal angst, frustration, hatred, and anger.
It's perfect. You'll be ready for our "solution," [soon].
Remember when (((they))) made it look like war was breaking out all over, and had Obama travel ahead of me to set me up for success so I could look like I fixed everything with a few meetings?
That was awesome.