Anonymous ID: 9e200d Nov. 12, 2018, 2:10 p.m. No.3872643   🗄️.is 🔗kun



>Fast forward to today. The cattle are gone, wildlife disappeared, and concrete is virtually everywhere and our community is negatively affected by waters no matter how lite the precipitation. What is the cause of this?!?!?!


At a most foundational level, much of humanity has forgotten

how to Work and Be With Nature. Much of modern technology, which includes the variations of agriculture & infrastructure you mention, is based off of imperfect sciences, which albeit shine in certain ways that aid us, have been pushed as "the way things are" into most Minds by means of habit, tradition (both relating strongly to "peer pressure"), and forces of control like MSM. This was by design, in some ways to suppress competition for the "big families" and the Cabalists, in some ways to perform mass societal experiments (social, demoralization-tactic, bio/genetic testing, wide-spectrum physical/mental control experiments, etc) and in others to gradually shape societies in the Orwellian technocratic cattle-pens with high-thought oblivious, dependent, Stockholm Syndrome, addiction-pronated, emotion-controlled zombie, CHIPPED, "perfect citizens".


Academia has been corrupted for ages and so have the History books, and so have Abrahamic religions: ALL COMP'D

This doesn't mean that nuggets of golden truth aren't served along with the piles of shit that come from these sources in comp'd form, as pure lies cannot subsist on Earth as we continue into the Aquarian Age (planetary/cosmic orientations matter on a fundamental Electromagnetic/Dielectric level, and more still through this nature). However, those crafty Cabalists were working for DECADES on devising ways to keep the masses sleeping.

Dig hard enough and you'll SEE all of the facets of control enacted over the years, most of them Psycho-Spiritual. Most of humanity would not be able to Psychologically handle the gravity of this situation.


> I am here today to question what we are going to expect after the DS and Enemies of We The People have been decommissioned, rendered powerless and exposed for all their evil…


Once the SWAMP is drained, it's like getting the car that was stolen from you before you knew how to properly drive it was returned. This experience here with Q has helped many of us learn a LOT in terms of the way the country operates, and there is plenty more to flesh out. The majority of the American public has to be INVOLVED in the Keep America Great Again project and that means both keeping an eye on our elected leadership countrywide, our people who amass wealth & influence and our institutions, so the INFILTRATION of America by Black Hats can NOT occur again.

Second, Americans need to LEARN how to be American again, as opposed to the Consumer-"Obedient Worker"-PC-Fear Prone-TV/Screen Potatoes that many have been SHAPED into. MAGA spirit WILL grow and spread, which will reinvigorate CARE for the country en masse (many had lost faith in America & it's potential, many have been brainwashed to NOT see it)

Third, Americans need to RECALIBRATE their collective understandings of History, because you cannot fully Patriot unless you have an understanding of How Things ACTUALLY Came To Be. This is also to insulate the citizenry from being tricked through their Emotions due to the vulnerability of not really knowing WHAT WAS (i.e. The Dem false history of Slavery + public forgetting = lead to Racism being viable as a tool of manipulation)

Fourth, These things will make America and Americans invincible, and from that platform we can focus our swelling anon & Patriot Hive-Mind on helping to right the wrongs of all facets of America that are broken, sterile, stale, etc This is the point where we, as a United country, can expose, digest and publicize all of the various facets of knowledge & tech (and Ancient American history, i.e. red-haired giants lived here) that have been suppressed Directly by Cabal & Self-Interested parties, or Indirectly by the deviation of mass attention toward the shiny fluorescent lights of Mainstream Escapism-Entertainment


Keep Faith

All Good Things Come To Those With Clear-Minded Patience AND Who Also Keep Their Eye On The Ball

Anonymous ID: 9e200d Nov. 12, 2018, 2:29 p.m. No.3872959   🗄️.is 🔗kun


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