Since I am banned from ALL platforms (including jobs/loan/assistance platforms), this is an exercise in futility.
Is there any confirmation that captial is returning to the local level?
Business startups and loans should (95% of all businesses, small to mid) SHOULD resemble following proportional pyramid (not exact rep.):
-Big Banks/WS (DeepState)
—-Private Investors (DeepState)
——-Local Banks
———-Friends & Family
Instead, Red & Blue have provided for past 40 years:
0 F&F
0 Local Banks
—————Private Investors (DeepState)
—————Big Banks/WS (DeepState)
QRump is illegitemate any other way.
It's the economy stupids. Qrump is petrified and slave to optics. First Q posts say as much. Executive branch can NEVER act upon Q research (imho, due to willfuly lack of moral backbone).