OK, troops it seems like its the end but its not. When Trump releases the last Trump card things will change overnight.
The dems and msm have shown the public their true intentions and thats waking people up big time.
What must happen before the Military can engage?
Conservatives have to hit the breaking point and when civil unrest happens there will be martial law declared then the military can get involved.
Besides what else is there for you to do we've been held back to watch and see how the cabal works!
Now you have the answers. You just need to find the right solution.
Research is over!
It's time to use your knowledge in the now and figure out how to get some steps ahead of the evil assholes!
They had 250+ years to work with and plan.
You have had 2 years plus your prior knowledge!
Your all here because you know they wont stop and you decided to do something about it.
This is something that you cant walk away from nobody does!
You have each other figure it out!
Oh yeah another thing get over calling normies shills for asking Questions!
Questions lead to answers if you havent seen that by now your just as blind as them!
What do you think Q's been doing?
Now im going back to the grindstone too make some fucking flour!
And Samson said, With the jawbone of an ass, heaps on heaps, with the jaw of an ass have I slain a thousand men.
Now im going back to the grindstone too make some fucking flour!