Anonymous ID: c0b6ae Feb. 15, 2018, 12:04 p.m. No.388015   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>so where are my concernfags at?

It's not concern, it's critical thinking. A tactic to stop critical thinking is to tell you anyone asking questions should be ignored. I'm not going to stop asking questions because an anonymous person on the Interwebz says to..who would just say umm ok I believe you and stop thinking?


The posts the other day were flat out ridiculous..regarding the "message" to Obummer…and the Queen…the same person likely sent all the envelopes (Ocams Razor) and yet the posts alluded to the "white hats" having sent it….some of the narrative shifts have been so dramatic that anyone with even half a brain should question them…they seem like a planefag post where the plane is going in circles and zigzagging everywhere.


I've currently got two views..the view I can see, and the view someone else is telling me about. I cannot "see" that Obummer or Hill are nervous in any way shape or form. (Maybe he'll get more nervous when the EO protecting former presidents from prosecution is amended…we'll see).


If this "believe me or STFU" stuff had been posted at half it would have been laughed out of town.


My view from 40K you don't even want to know…reading here continually for the past months I've gotten a really depressing 40K view. I listen to all, read all, filter non…I'm currently watching my president comply with regime changes he promised not to comply with in order to halp Israel get that damn syrian land with and fomenting war with Syrian ally Russia. I do not understand this, but once again war in my name…for someone else's gain…on one hand RUSSIA just leftie narrative on the other hand we're going to war via proxy with Russia, to help Israel. The whole Israel narrative is carried along by religious fundamentalism and Q plays to that audience brilliantly. See how fast he switched narrative after watching how his [P] crumb played out here?


I don't know if Q is or is not what "he" says he is…so far the evidence is interpretive at best. People tend to interpret unclear things to fit their own view..which is not 40k..and voices questioning are deleted..think about it..deletions on infinity? Recently I saw that v/PG discovered their main mod was besties with Alefantis…how is that even possible? Refraining from asking questions as a whole? (There were questioners, they were told to STFU and GTFO…).


When my "in my face" view correlates with Q rather than obscure and often forced correlations I'll step off the center line. As it stands now, posting the dirt antibiotic as evidence of new cure when it's owned by Big Pharma does literally nothing to hasten the "cure release" Q promise…and I sincerely hope no one is foregoing medical treatment based on such a promise.


If one wants to take a religious point of view on this and not simply get caught up in the pray narrative that aligns with personal ideology…remember what the bible says about "prophets"…test them…you will know them by their fruit.


I don't know…and I'm unwilling to say that I do. My mind is yet open. However, I do know blanket acceptance without skepticism stops critical thinking in its tracks. And telling people to STOP asking questions…isn't helping anything.

Anonymous ID: c0b6ae Feb. 15, 2018, 12:08 p.m. No.388058   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Having been in the front row during twattergate…I concur. What has been seen cannot be unseen…those exposing CP and trafficking on twatter were banned.

Anonymous ID: c0b6ae Feb. 15, 2018, 12:15 p.m. No.388138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8354


>But I actually trust that Greenwald is not clown.

Having read the Intercept article today about wikileaks twitter DMs, and the information about connections of Intercept founder..I do strongly suggest you dig into this a bit more before making a Greenwald / clown decision.

Anonymous ID: c0b6ae Feb. 15, 2018, 12:22 p.m. No.388228   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8252 >>8383


>What if Snowden in Russia was an illusion?

Go watch the movie Snowden. JA helped Snowden escape…his getting stuck in Russia was a product of DS catching up to him and eliminating his passport. I can't quite wrap my brain around why JA would help Snowden escape Shanghai..the people who sheltered Snowden there apparently suffered greatly….There's more to this than meets the eye..I got called a retard the other day for saying JA helped Snowden escape the DS…when JA himself appears in the movie and (it's a bit of a nail bitter actually) and his process is clearly outlined. Snowden really escaped by seconds..literally.

Anonymous ID: c0b6ae Feb. 15, 2018, 12:25 p.m. No.388270   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Hopefully ANON here are NOT clicking on Q direct link to PDF…go to your search engine and input subject addy yourself…please? Be safe out there.

Anonymous ID: c0b6ae Feb. 15, 2018, 12:33 p.m. No.388413   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Snowden leaked and took off.

I think it is important to remember that according to JA in the movie Snowden…Russia was NOT Snowden's intended ultimate destination. That was where DS caught up with him and cancelled his passport so he could not leave the airport until Russia came to agreement he could stay. How did Snowden convince Russia to let him stay there rather than deporting him?