Anonymous ID: 756aa4 Nov. 12, 2018, 8:34 p.m. No.3879076   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9154 >>9437

An apology to all my brother anons. I have found myself in violation of the anon oath. I wanted to bring attention to myself because of my low self esteem. I am deeply apologetic. This is my hell and I want to bring it before the assembly to ask for your forgiveness:




May this place represent your perfection as far as our limited equipment will send us. As far as our collective minds can achieve, may we represent your perfection that can only be described as God like.


With great hope and optimism in our hearts of desire, many we provide an accurate representation of what we think our manufacturer would approve of.


My Deepest passion in life is to have my creator and father to look on me with abundant approval at the the works in which I have performed. I want to have a clean conscience when I say I have given it my all. I know that I have much to learn and that my infancy in this universe keeps me humble.


You have taught me to not judge so harshly. As a novice, I will choose to follow in your great footsteps.


I have learned that Jesus felt the same about religion as much as all of us on this board does. We have found that in gets in the way of our great father and we want to unleash our anger.


Lord, keep us humble so that we don't have to take physical action against our enemies. Instead, many we take action against ourselves. This despicable state in which we live in, may we reject ourselves and look toward you, the great conscience that lives within us.


Let us not chase the wind as king Solomon described in Ecclesiastes, but instead may we learn from the ones who lived here before us.


Be patient with us o lord, for you know that our fellow man will lie cheat and steal to keep his power!!!


Instead, please come to us personally to bypass these lies….may you light a fire in our conscience to let us know when it is you and when it is the liar.


You know that if you were standing before us and gave us a direct order we would pounce on the opportunity to please our REAL father. We honor your decisions because we don't doubt that you are beyond our understanding. Have mercy on us because of this very fact.


Let your words and deeds rain down on us like the deluge that caused Noah to fear you.


You would be surprised how many loyal followers you would have. Just please remember that your greatest followers are the biggest rebels you have ever dealt with…in JESUS name (the ultimate rebel and our best friend) AMEN.

Anonymous ID: 756aa4 Nov. 12, 2018, 8:49 p.m. No.3879343   🗄️.is 🔗kun



You know how I know you are at least 40 anon? "So mote it be". I feel right at home now. Can't tell you how long it has been since I had a brother anon talk about the times we told our friends to not fall for the McCain vote and please vote for Ron Paul. Doesn't seem that long ago but we will never be able to explain it to the ones who have never been there. Only you would appreciate the timeline of the pic…..