Anonymous ID: f2e81e Nov. 13, 2018, 2:59 a.m. No.3882020   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Shops Around for a Cable News Gig


The famously pugnacious Democrat is taking meetings at CNN and MSNBC, looking for his next act after running the Windy City.

Maxwell Tani

Maxwell Tani

11.12.18 7:34 PM ET

Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel may finally get paid for a job he’s been doing for free for years: offering opinions on national politics.


Emanuel announced in September that he wouldn’t seek reelection as mayor and has since been largely mum about his post-mayoral plans. But he has attended meetings in New York with top executives at MSNBC and CNN in recent weeks, and discussed a potential future as a cable news pundit, according to several sources familiar with the conversations.


In recent months, the outgoing Democratic mayor has been represented by agents with William Morris Endeavor, the talent agency and entertainment behemoth where his brother Ari Emanuel is the co-CEO.


CNN and MSNBC declined to comment. WME did not respond to multiple requests for comment. Adam Collins, the mayor’s director of communications, dismissed the credibility of anonymous sourcing and said Emanuel would focus on his post-mayoral prospects after he leaves office.


You think Hussein told him to get his arsh on TV??