Observation from digging.
A picture of the depth of Diabolical, Embedded, Evil-Corruption in the USA = ALL States.
We are [Occupied]. We have been [Occupied].
By a Diabolically-Evil, Subversive, Seditious, Treacherous Army of Quislings = Hell-Bent on our Domination & Destruction.
The 'Masters' of this 'Occupying Force' use their brainwashed 'Useful-Idiot' minions, spread-out & 'Planted' among us = To do their dirty-work.
Q posts ref. [Secret Society] activities in Arkansas & other Southern States prompted me to dig a little on Texas. Knowing the history of Albert Pike = "Revered" Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite's Southern Jurisdiction & writer of "Moral and Dogma".
Research of my home State: Masonic Legacy in Texas
1: All major leaders in formation of Texas = Freeasons.
2: Currently (872) Masonic lodges in Texas at least (1) lodge in every county. Some counties have (25+) lodges.
Thats JUST the Freemasons [Secret Society].
Combined w/ all the others = Understand the Long-Term 'Saturation' of: Brainwashed Quisling Occupiers that live among us.
1: Every City & County Gov.
2: Every Law Enforcement Agency.
3: Every School District & University.
4: Every Business.
5: Every Vocation; Sci. Med. Pharma.
6: Every form of MSM & Entertainment.
7: Every Religious Grp.
8: Every Charitable Org. & NGO Foundation.
etc. etc. etc….
My intent, with this sobering look at my own backyard (Texas), is to give a 'Realistic' perspective on why our fight against these 'Cabal' [Occupiers] is:
So Measured & Methodical.
Not a quick & Easy fix.
Like treating a deeply embedded Cancer that was growing, undetected, under the surface for years.
Call'em what you will. There are; 'Sleepers', 'Moles', 'Manchurian Candidates', 'Quislings', 'Useful Idiots' (witting & unwitting) = Cancer Cells among us.
You look for yourself.
Why is [EVERY] BIG TECH & BIG BIZ Corp. run by; Radical Globalist, Progressive, SJW types?
They knew they had to control INFO to keep hidden.
So they made sure THEY were IN CONTROL of INFO TECH >
They've controlled the dissemination of INFO for centuries. They are "The Occult (Hidden Knowledge) Cabal" after all.
But; INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY works both ways now.
We've been observing the gradual "Unmasking" of "The Hidden" among us.
They CAN'T HIDE anymore.
We are seeing them shriek as they are being, Exposed & "Exorcised".