NewFag here on a phone
Sorry if formatting is poor.
Only lurking for 11.5 months.
As a Florida born resident, I watched the 2000 election as a military absentee ballot voter.
I watched the Gore team push to dismiss my ballot during the recount.
After retiring as a SNCO with 28 years of service I spent my spare time getting involved with the election system in Florida.
I do not claim to be an expert but I do have 12 years of experience with 10 of those years as a precinct Clerk in a rural part of north Florida.
Our county use the same systems as Broward County.
Each county has a Supervisor Of Elections (SOE) and a professional SOE staff.
The county is broken up into precincts that are controlled with a Clerk, Assistant Clerk, Bailiff, EViD inspector, Ballot inspector, DS200 inspector, and if possible a greeter.
When the first voter of the Election Day arrives they verify that the DS200 displays a count of 0 as the voting day starts.
Each voter comes in and checks in with the EViD (EViD system )
This System connects directly with the SOE office to validate the voter is eligible to vote and has not already voted (early vote or vote by mail) once checked in and signature is verified, a voter pass is issued and the SOE is notified the voter has voted and should prevent vote by mail ballots that arrive after voting in person.
Once a voter is given a voter pass they take it to the ballot inspector.
A ballot is issued to the voter where they vote and take it to the ballot box.
The ballot box is topped with a DS200 ballot scanner
(DS200 voting machine®/)
The DS200 scans the ballot , checks for under/over votes and notifies the voter if there is an issue.
If all clear the DS200 saves the image of the ballot and tabulates the vote as the day goes on.
Each precinct has the the same procedure.
At the end of the voting day the DS200 is closed and automatically transmits the results to the SOE office and prints 3 copies of the results from that machine.
First result copy is signed by 4 poll workers and put into the red folder. The USB drive is removed from the DS200 and placed in the red folder also.
The EViDs also have a USB drive containing the days voting activity that is also placed in the red folder.
The total from the DS200 and the EViDs are combined with the voting passes are documented on the Ballot accounting statement (BAS) that compares starting number of ballots with the ending numbers the ensure each ballot is accounted for.
The initial reporting of votes is transmitted in the first 5 minutes after the last voters leave the polls.
The folder containing the BAS, USB drives from the DS200 and EViDs and the ballots are transported by the clerk and at least one other person (normally the assistant clerk) to the SOE office.
My precinct is on the outer edge of the county and one of the longer distances of travel.
The polls close at 7pm.
Transmitted results 7:05pm.
Hand carried ballots and results to SOE office 8pm.
Over the last 20 elections my timelines have have not shifted more than 5 minutes.
Things happen and some precincts struggle getting in on time but, the transmitted vote is always within 15 minutes of polls closing. We even have a precinct that must take the DS200 outside in the parking lot to find the cell signal to complete the closing.
Early voting is done using ballot on demand.
The EViD system is attached to a printer and produces a Ballot after the voter is checked in and the signature is verified.
The rest of the process is the same.
What happened is all stored on the USB jump drives (including provisional ballots and voter signatures) that no one seems to be talking about.
With the exception of mail in ballots and overseas military ballots the jump drives contain the election.
If the number of ballots recounted does not match the number of signatures then we know the found ballots are illegal.
Turnout was very high.
We had over 65% of eligible voters cast a ballot this election.
Throughout the election the SOE can see who checked in to vote, where they voted and who checked them in.
Within 15 minutes of polls closing the know the outcome of the vote.
There are no valid reasons numbers are not posted to the state unless you feel you need to alter the report for some reason.