Bannon going mainstream
whatever that is going to be revealed is definitely something bad
#Teleportation and #materialization are two aspects of the same process.
So after the planet goes through the integration process there is absolutely no need for money in any form or shape.
there is abundance of everything and the monetary system on this planet was created from the perspective of lack, that there is not enough.
The real value of exchange is our own essence, our own presence, and in the more advanced civilization across the universe this exchange happens energetically as an act of love.
the monetary system that we have on this planet has been imported from the #Orion Constellation star system. It is a #debtSlaverySystem which is actually used to control populations, and it is absolutely not necessary
Humanity is in a unique position because it has been the [most] on this planet with the most contrast, the most complex life forms
Do not spend too much time in the mass media and think independently your own head.
Trillions upon trillions of dollars are spent by the Cabal every year to give us the impression that nothing has changed and nothing every will. When this Truman show falls apart, you will all be amazed.
I can just say that the amazing future we have been fighting for is real, and will happen. Replicators, free energy, interstellar travel, the Golden Age, all this is awaiting us.
highly evolved souls are really waiting for the right conditions to release technology to humanity and it will not be released telepathically it will be released on the physical plane. But first the #Cabal needs to be removed from the situation.
#TheBible is a collection of ancient text which has been compiled and presented and spinned in a certain way to get a certain psychological effect.
The legal system will be greatly restructured, simplified and there will be no need for judges and lawyers will be drastically reduced.
mixing of the languages was done basically after the fall of Atlantis with the purpose of creating more division on the surface of the planet and this was done by the #Archons.
Partially, he is (rarely) also listening to guidance of the Positive Military Intelligence, and the Positive Military Intelligence is tactically stroking his ego by encouraging Trump worship in alternative media through QAnon and other alternative channels,