I HATE TOO SAY IT…Rick Scott has lost
See Dimms go put tubs of ballots that they created after the election at different sites. They get discovered. We ridicule them. They take the fake ballots and count them.
Still short? Repeat….Still short? Have Loomer find tubs at airport. We are ALARMED. National media…nothing to see….they take the ballots that were created after the election…that's why we are just finding them, and go count them.
Fake mail bomb USPS facility keeps delivering ballots…we protest…..yesterday Q posts in protest. We do nothing.
They count and keep going. I heard they are now about 10K down…. it was 60k down at 3am election morning.
Yesterday, Q dropped a post in protest. No one can prove anything. They shred them. They tear covers off. Then they are just votes. WE protest.
Here's the problem….overseas absentee ballots are due Nov. 16 They are overwhelmingly DEMS. I saw the count before election and was concerned. Can't remember the #'s
That will put them over top..
Also, on Thurs. Sen. Election will be close enough after machine recount to mandate a manual recount.
Broward County has long been ground zero for voter fraud and the DHS has done nothing. Everyone knew and did nothing…including Scott and Bondi.