Anonymous ID: 012117 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:29 a.m. No.3884844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4879



For those of us who have been watching the story unfold for a very long time. For some it as been a years for other like me DECADES!


I understand that the Cabal is holding the world hostage. But how do you solve this dilemma? It is either the Cabal win and we all lose. Or we accept some lost and win.


You cannot save them all if you want to win. It is as simple as that. And time is running out on the Trump admin. The world opinion as been brainwash for the last two years now. As soon as the USA is destabilize (Choose your pick for this one, any reason is a good reason) The world will rejoice and send in help to liberate the GOOD american from the EVIL fascist! They will send in UN troops from all over the world. They will balkanize the USA.


Are you Ready anon???


The Cabal plan is quite simple. Kill off a few billion people and enslave humanity for a few century!


I know that the good guy are afraid of Chaos. The good guy are afraid to see innocent blood spill in the street. I will say to them that they have waited too long. The longer you let fester a problem the more radical the solution become. If the few good guy had started this 35 years ago Europe would have been salvageable.


He who hesitate loose everything!