Anonymous ID: 30691e Nov. 13, 2018, 8:21 a.m. No.3884743   🗄️.is 🔗kun




I call bullshit too

^^^ >3884421

The report doesn't really address that there is a large fluctuating variance in the Cessna's airspeed between 60-100kts. (normal cruising speed is around 90-100kts). This seems inconsistent with a steady glide.


The report goes on to state -

'The angle between one of the cuts and the upper surface of the wing indicated that the relative angle between G-WACG and the helicopter’s rotor blades was approximately 110°. This suggests that one or both aircraft may have been manoeuvring immediately prior to the collision and the possibility of sudden evasive action cannot be discounted.

Following the initial impacts on the right wing, G-WACG was struck by a single rotor blade that cut through the upper half of the rear fuselage, passing from right to left at an angle of approximately 56° to G-WACG’s vertical axis.'


The wing and the rotor blades should be roughly horizontal to the ground if the plane & helicopter were flying straight & level. The statement that the rotor cut through the wing at an angle of 110deg indicates that the Cessna was banked past the vertical relative to the helicopter.


It is also very suspicious that the helicopter pilot/instructors logbook was not available for the inquiry.