Anonymous ID: 355c30 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:05 a.m. No.3884535   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4543 >>4771

It can be very hard being patient and waiting on Q’s information given to take place in reality. It is understandable that Qanons are jumping ship and frustrated. What makes the q board worse is it is filled with shills seeding doubt.


"How long?” will evil be allowed to have its way. Prophets who asked this questions in the Bible were shocked by the answer. The punishment rained on the whole Nation not just the unjust, therefore God in His mercy held back.


The question, “How long, O LORD?” (Pss. 35:17; 94:3; Hab. 1:2) was asked. They know His righteous judgment is coming because they trust His holy character, but they are curious as to why His wrath is, from their viewpoint, delayed.

In USA we the PEOPLE have been given the ability to hold our evil, sinful leaders accountable but we (in general) don’t. We keep re-electing people who we know are murderous. Therefore we (as a Nation) are really all deserving of judgement.


I apologize for such a pessimistic post. I am literally so frustrated with the corruption in our government and then the blind eye of the citizens who vote back in oppressive corruption, or who don’t vote.

So many are lulled into complacency or on the other end of the spectrum are working themselves to death to keep up with the load of carrying the lazy, takers who think what government gives is free. No if you are a taker; you are stealing wages from your working neighbor.

Anonymous ID: 355c30 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:12 a.m. No.3884613   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4856




WHEN will something truly be DONE regarding Broward County???


Broward County criminals have judicial coverage…otherwise,

Why do those in control of justice NOT prosecute?