Anonymous ID: 404eaa Nov. 13, 2018, 8:09 a.m. No.3884576   🗄️.is 🔗kun


President Trump. Enough is enough. GO! I mean GO NOW!!! God damnit stop waiting!

This voter fraud is a game ender for the right. If this is allowed to go on unanswered or even just answered with a slap on the wrist then only token conservatives will be elected because no one on the right will vote anymore. What’s the point? Mobilize all of your friends and family. See community involved energy towards your candidate only to have the dems “find” as many ballot boxes filled with “lost” demoncrat ballots as they need to steal the election.

This needs to be answered with shock and awe. Raids across the country. Arrests by the 100’s with no quarter given.

I voted for Bush in 2000. But by 2004 with no response to the media lynch mob and nothing done towards securing the border I had had enough of another do nothing republican. I won’t be strung along for 2020 like I was for 2018 if this treason from the left isn’t squashed.

Without a Massive crackdown and multiple HUGE arrests I will not vote in 2020. Wont motivate my family or friends to vote either. Wont serve a purpose to vote without these things.

You have everything. Election over. What in the fucking hell are you waiting for? Everyday lefties drink more koolaid and get more entrenched in their false reality. Waiting isn’t helping. Shit or get off the damn pot.