Anonymous ID: 81e733 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:19 a.m. No.3884710   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4727 >>4750 >>4785

If you have a car on the street, it doesn't matter if the wind gusts were up to 100mph, if there is greenery around the car then the car is not engulfed in flames, so it should not melt RIGHT? That's not what is being seen, the elite and their media would like you to believe that its EMBERS landing on the vehicles that burn them to a molten shell. It's ridiculous.


The media is pushing the HIGH WINDS theory, if the winds were so high how would the ember get a fire going on a metal and glass vehicle? Wouldn't the HIGH WINDS blow away the little embers? Think about it. Think about the likelihood if you took some embers from your fireplace and dumped them on your car - for it to burn it at all, let alone to a shell. Yet we see burned out cars everywhere and they want you to believe that embers + high winds are responsible.


How do you CONSISTENTLY burn houses to the foundation, while leaving greenery all around them? How do you CONSISTENTLY burn vehicles down to molten shells some with melted windows? HOT blowing EMBERS does not explain what is going on. HIGH WINDS don't change much except the temperature of an existing fire. A car sitting parked on a road not sitting in flames (streets make excellent burn lines and preclude the cars from sitting in flames) should not be burned down to a molten shell once let alone consistently over and over again as what is seen. There is no way for the heat that would be required to be present with greenery all around, yet burned out vehicles are everywhere in California these days.


So what's going on?? INDUCTION is what's going on, the California fires are being caused by DIRECTED ENERGY WEAPONS (DEW).