Anonymous ID: 98915a Nov. 13, 2018, 8:01 a.m. No.3884464   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3879899 (oB)

Great. So, we should keep waiting for declas so we can add more investigations to our workload. If we had declassified and indicted months ago, would we be dealing with an emboldened Left that is openly stealing elections around the country? Or would the parties responsible be indicted and too busy defending themselves? Based on election interference EO l, how much time do we have to open investigations into every case of election fraud now? Or are we going to be to busy fighting the already filed lawsuits by Dems? Make all the lists you want, nothing is happening aside from the Dems steal the fucking country without a shot fired from the right. What good are sealed indictments if you don’t use them? Losing patience quickly now.