Anonymous ID: ebb7dc Nov. 13, 2018, 8:23 a.m. No.3884768   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4783

I am really getting tired of hearing that this will come out ,this is about to drop, here come the pain, panic in DC I just want to see Action. Jesus we can’t even stop voter fraud I don’t see a dam thing being done about it. Q tell was what’s being done instead of all the BS. It’s frustrating as hell to watch these people cheat with illegal votes after elections close a week later ballots being pulled out of thin air and not a single word from DHS the DOJ nothing the big news is there was a avadavid signed Wow I am so impressed it means NOTHING just like everything I see a big Fat ZERO I am sorry but I can’t see how We are in control when they can cheat like this and get away with it. Where are The indictments where is the DeClass There are a couple of us who have been with this since day one and we all feel the same Nothing has changed they still cheat Lie Steal and not only are they still getting away with They are rubbing our nose in it laughing bc Not a Dam thing has changed