Anonymous ID: f093fb Nov. 13, 2018, 8:07 a.m. No.3884555   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4565 >>4570 >>4587 >>4588 >>4639 >>4670 >>4725 >>4760 >>4828 >>4853 >>4869

We got shills coming at us from all sides!

Shills role call attacking Qresearch:

CTA (infowars).

Fake Q posts.

Q is a Larp.

Q is a cult.

Q lied, need to discourage others.



Shekel collectors.

demoralize & disinformation is their goal.


They fear the power of focused & free minds searching for truth. If they didn't they wouldn't be here trying to get people to leave & lose faith in searching for crumbs of truth.


Godspeed Patriots. Historic & we got front row seats!