Anonymous ID: 764daf Nov. 13, 2018, 8:51 a.m. No.3885135   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5138 >>5163 >>5252 >>5321 >>5373 >>5506 >>5527





it's not just placentas. It's aborted fetal tissue as well in cosmetics, vaccines, flavorings, etc… but more importantly, It may VERY WELL BE MUCH MUCH WORSE.

Conversation with a prominent researcher fren in the industry:

>ME: Looks like I have a lot to research. Let me ask you this if I can… can you think of a biproduct most likely to be used in skin care?

>FREN: People use ground up fetal tissue in Eastern Europe. Or bone marrow from the aborted babies I would most suspect they would use the marrow for the stem cells. What is most horrific about this is they could use umbilical cord or blood, or the placenta for same results.


Are anons new?

This is quite relevant to current events.

This Notable was BEFORE the infant corpses were found.
