Anonymous ID: 829238 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:13 a.m. No.3885463   🗄️.is 🔗kun


you are missing it, the msm is helping them steal it, the dems were busted in 2016 and 2017 for voter fraud, you are watching a movie "and a sting" but norms need to see it play out over time, is over new elections coming for 100% of the country every seat, blockchain voting system will fix it, now what is better then watching the 2016 election? how about the news anchors telling the world the dems won the house after weeks of threats [they can't wait for the 1st day of jan they are frothing], zero patince very bad warriors, you can smell there weakness, so when They say all elections are rigged, they will flip the fuck out, BOOM drop fish, boom declass, public is ready, actors acting right now, TURN OFF THE NEWS its all fire fire dems win house , election fraud in your face, they want a civil war don't fall for it on the last yard