Anonymous ID: 83565d Nov. 13, 2018, 9 a.m. No.3885274   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5284 >>5335 >>5336 >>5450 >>5541 >>5571


What you assholes over at the JIDF shill sweat shop in Tel Aviv fail to account for is this;


  1. Anons will not bend

  2. Anons will not break

  3. Anons will not give up

  4. Anons will not surrender

  5. Anons will always fight fight fight on to Victory

  6. Anons will always help POTUS make America Wealthy again

  7. Anons will always help POTUS make America Strong again

  8. Anons will always help POTUS make America Safe again

  9. Anons will always help POTUS make America Great again

  10. Anons will always help POTUS make the ENTIRE WORLD Great Again.

May God grant us the Courage & Strength we need to prevail in the War on Satan & his Minions, Amen


Our common enemy has had thousands of years to usurp our real power & POTUS along with MI Marines Anons & an unending Faith in God have only started to battle for what is right just & pleasing in the eyes our Our Lord.


This is Anons' Creed Mission, Battle Cry & our most Deeply Held Belief.

At this turning point in history we need all ANONS to place their right hand over their heart & read the above pledge to God & Country & never ever relent.