Anonymous ID: 99a821 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:39 a.m. No.3884941   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Seehofer to step down as CSU chair


Germany’s Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer, wants to imitate Angela Merkel and give up his position as party chair. It remains unclear whether he will be able to keep his ministerial post in the long term. EURACTIV Germany reports.


Seehofer stated that he did not want to stand in the way of change because “2019 will be the year of the CSU’s renewal,” he said, according to participants. The exact dates are not yet known but, reportedly, Seehofer will probably hand over the party chair before a special party conference in January.


Although his mandate as interior minister will continue until 2021, Seehofer could also give up this role ahead of time, it is also being said.


According to media reports, the CSU politician acknowledged that high government posts, such as his and Angela Merkel’s, could not be kept for a long time without also being party chair and that the Chancellor would also realise this. An official statement on Seehofer’s intentions is expected in the course of this week.

Anonymous ID: 99a821 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:58 a.m. No.3885241   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Author Of Brexit Article 50 Revealed As Member Of Trilateral Commission


Baron John Kerr is a member of the Executive Committee of the European branch of the Trilateral Commission. He regrets having authored Article 50 that made Brexit possible. Kerr has served on many boards of several giant companies like Shell and Rio Tinto. ⁃ TN Editor


As Brexit unfolds, come along and hear from the man who wrote Article 50.


John Kerr, Baron Kerr of Kinlochard is to be the keynote speaker at the Insider and Scotland Is Now Top 500 Business Breakfast early in the New Year.


Kerr, as a crossbench or independent peer is right at the heart of the parliamentary debate on Brexit as it goes through the machinery of government.


He has said: “I don’t feel guilty about inventing the mechanism. I feel very sad about the UK using it. I didn’t think that the United Kingdom would use it.”


Former diplomat Kerr has been key to the development of the EU over many years first as British Representative to the EU at the time of John Major’s Government.


As Secretary-General of the European Convention he drafted Article 50, the procedure under which the UK is leaving the EU.


He was Permanent Under Secretary to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in the time of Tony Blair’s Government before becoming an independent peer in the House of Lords in 2004.


His business career has been as a director of Shell and then chairing the group of directors who brought about the creation of Royal Dutch Shell plc in 2005. He was deputy chairman and senior independent director of the company until 2012.


He was a director of Rio Tinto Zinc from 2003 to 2015.


He has been a director of the Scottish American Investment Trust since 2002 and of ScottishPower since 2009. He became deputy chairman of ScottishPower in 2012.


He is chairman of the Centre for European Reform and a member of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission

Anonymous ID: 99a821 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:09 a.m. No.3885411   🗄️.is 🔗kun

And the beat goes on .Drums keep pound in a rhythm to the brain And the beat goes on


UK Government Goes Full Orwellian, Building Biometric Database On Every Single Citizen


When Theresa May became UK Prime Minister in 2016. She had once fought against the National Identity Card and national database program, but it has now reappeared in a worse form. ⁃ TN Editor


We’ve been warning about this moment since the first day TruePublica went online. We said that the government would eventually take the biometric data of every single citizen living in Britain and use it for nefarious reasons. DNA, fingerprint, face, and even voice data will be included. But that’s not all.


The excuse to be used, as ever, will be national security or terrorism, despite the huge fall in fatalities from terrorism and terror-related incidents since the 1970s.


Apart from crime-fighting, the Home Office also proposes in its long-awaited report that it will use the centralized database for vetting migrants on the streets and borders of Britain.


Not for the first time, civil rights groups argue that systems such as face recognition is faulty, dubiously legal, and collected without public consent. The outcry over Facebook, Cambridge Analytica and the EU referendum should, if nothing else, confirm that bulk data collection, used without either public debate or a legal basis is emphatically against our civil liberties.


However, the legality of the creation of a centralised biometric database will not stop a government who have been repeatedly caught breaking the law when it comes to privacy and data collection. Police, immigration, and passport agencies already collect DNA, face, and fingerprint data. On the latter, police forces across Britain now have fingerprint scanners on the streets of Britain with officers providing no more than a promise that fingerprint data taken will be erased if the person stopped is innocent of any crime.


The government’s face database already has 12.5 million people – or so it has admitted to. The Home Office, embroiled in all sorts of privacy and surveillance legal cases caused a scandal last April when an official said it would simply be too expensive to remove innocent people from its criminal face databases of mugshots.

Anonymous ID: 99a821 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3885537   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Mad About Your High Utility Bills and “Smart Meters?” Group Analyzes Campaign Contributions By Utility PACs and Executives. Hello Gov’nor!


Activist Post has previously highlighted analysis provided before in re political contributions made by Telecom companies. This recent article from the Energy and Policy Institute is too wonderful not to share: “Analysis: How Electric Utilities and Their Executives Contributed in 9 Governor Races. Utilities Bet on Republicans in Some Close Races, Hedge on Others.”


The Energy and Policy Institute analyzed various utilities’ campaign contributions aimed at gubernatorial elections in nine states: Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Ohio, and Wisconsin. In several of these states with elected utility commissioners, EPI also highlighted how utility companies tried to influence the outcome of the elections of their future regulators.


EPI has also tracked how the utility industry has contributed to the Republican Governors Association and Democratic Governors Association, which are political organizations that must report their donors to the Internal Revenue Service.


Why does this matter besides the fact that your utility bills seem too high? It’s likely that you have utility “Smart” Meters for your gas, electric and water since millions have been installed in the U.S. and all over the world. They have such a bad reputation that many utility companies aren’t referring to them as other names to confuse customers when they call to complain. They have even been the subject of lawsuits.