Niggers get away with shit.
Pro Tip: when you're drowning, try getting out of the water.
Cheese eating surrender monkey.
Niggers @ the Front Door
Impedance is less wasteful and just as effective.
Monkey and beast in a temporary state of coexistence.
Send her to GITMO for a come-to-Jesus meeting.
It is your right to stand on the sidelines.
>He needs to do more than tweet for the love of God!
Maybe he should hire your ass to be his top adviser! For the Love of God!
He did his job perfectly.
u too stoopid to sees dat, but we luvs ya anyway.
Niggers @ the front door
You're on the right track. I read portion of an EO last night (I don't remember any specifics at this moment) that talked about how important it was for an election to be over first/certified complete before pursuing fraud.