Anonymous ID: b1582f Nov. 13, 2018, 9:03 a.m. No.3885322   🗄️.is 🔗kun

FDA up to their usual fuckery….CDC right there with them…they are WORSE than MSM!


FDA misrepresents CDC NYTS data (that found vaping has sharply reduced teen cigarette smoking since 2011) to falsely claim youth vaping is an epidemic


FDA’s Scott Gottlieb relies upon NYTS data on marijuana vaping, experimental and occasional e-cigarette use, and vaping by smokers, former smokers and 18+ adults to falsely claim youth nicotine vaping is an epidemic, threatens to ban/restrict more vapor product sales to adults.


Critically important 2017 NYTS data (which CDC and FDA have buried and ignored) found:

  • Half of 6th-12th graders who ever used an e-cig reported vaping THC, up from 38% in 2016.

  • 41.5% of 6th-12th graders who vaped in past 30 days did so 1-2 days, and 61% vaped 1-5 days.

  • Just 1.1% of 6th-12th graders vaped daily, and just 1.6% vaped 20+ of the past 30 days.

  • 1.24% of 9th-12th graders were nonsmokers who vaped 20+ of past 30 days (which included many past smokers), while the 2015 NYTS found just 0.3% of never smokers in 6th-12th grade vaped on 20+ of past 30 days.

  • 18.5% of 9th-12th graders who used an e-cig in the past 30 days were 18+ adults (not youth).

  • 45% of 9th-12th graders who vaped 20+ of past 30 days were 12th graders (most who were 18+).


The 2017 NYTS also found:

  • Past 30 day e-cigarette use by 6th-12th graders declined from 11.2% in 2015 to 8.2% in 2017.

  • Ever use of e-cigarettes by 6th-12th graders declined from 26.6% in 2015 to 21.1% in 2017.

  • Youth access to e-cigarettes declined significantly from 2015 to 2017.

  • Since 2011, cigarette smoking by 6th-12th graders has sharply declined, including daily smoking (-64%), frequent smoking (-63%), past 30 day smoking (-52%), and ever smoking (-43%).