Anonymous ID: b30734 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:50 a.m. No.3885116   🗄️.is 🔗kun

just read this total brainwashed person. This is what we are dealing with, pure mind control


Kevin Barnard

November 5 at 9:08 PM ·

I’ve lost count of the number of drafts I’ve started and scrapped for this post. Perhaps I should have done what Devin and others among you have suggested and started blogging about this a while ago. Then, perhaps, my brain wouldn’t be so full of ‘important’ things to share regarding your vote tomorrow. But, here we are.


I want to be clear right up front - if you still identify with the Republican Party, nothing I am about to say is directed at you personally. It is, if anything, a critique of the Party itself, it’s leadership, and what it has become. However, I do ask for an open mind, and to, even if for a nanosecond, consider the following:


The GOP is no longer a party representing conservative values, in the spirit of William F. Buckley and those who championed the cause in the late 20th century. What few true conservatives were left have long since been pushed out. Even George W. Bush’s call for ‘compassionate conservatism’ seems quaint nowadays.


In its place is a party unable to come to terms with the changing demographics of America. Some might argue this struggle has been going on since the 1860s, but now the party realizes this change is inevitable, and they are doing everything in their power now to, well, stay in power.


So, this isn’t about liberalism vs conservatism, because today’s GOP doesn’t believe in conservative philosophy. Today’s GOP believes in power, and holding onto that power at whatever cost.


They don’t believe in free and open elections, they don’t believe in equal rights for all, they don’t believe that a healthy society is a thriving society, they don’t believe in real change, they don’t believe that cultures from outside our borders belong here too, indeed they don’t believe in anything that is stated at the base of the Statue of Liberty.


I could go on, but really it doesn’t matter.


Here is the bottom line - Anyone with an “R” next to their name on the ballot tomorrow is wholly and completely beholden to Trump and the leaders of a political party that has lost its way. They don’t believe in the promise of America - they believe in power, and holding onto that power at all costs. That’s not what America in the 21st century needs.


Look, I get that the Democratic Party has its fair share of “issues,” not the least of which is its own aging, White, leadership that refuses to let go of their own power. But they still believe in capital-L Liberalism as an ideology, and that’s something.


Will voting Democrat tomorrow solve all our problems? No. We didn’t get here overnight and were not going to solve this stuff overnight. But we need to return checks and balances to our government. That is the most important thing right now. Restore our separate-but-equal branches to their purpose. Period.


If we fail this critical test, nothing else matters. We will have no mechanism to stop the GOP from a wholesale takeover and long-term minority rule of our government.


But if we’re successful - and if we show up in numbers that are undeniable (under-40 crowd, I’m looking at you) - we will show that the majority of Americans reject Trump, the GOP, Fox News and the entire lot of them. Enough is enough.


So get out there. Vote. Make a difference. It matters.