Anonymous ID: c4cde8 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.3885287   🗄️.is 🔗kun


the goods were leaked on him days before his election. Came too late. Wasn't enough time for people to dig into it before voting(if not rigged, that's David Rothschild and Olympia Aldobrandini's turf). How they haven't thrown him out by now is beyond me. D5 has mountains of Twatter trolling material on that little boy don't worry about Macron. He'll be shamed out of office when the time is right.

Anonymous ID: c4cde8 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.3885651   🗄️.is 🔗kun


they announced the release of declas w details of declas and far more. The team wouldn't risk getting peoples hopes up around this date without a number of significant things playing out afterward. I have a feeling ALOT is happening behind the scenes right now. Day 1 Whitaker announced that we were ending asylum policy at the border, takes away any hope for the caravan, was a significant move. Also POTUS and Putin just met. Sometimes things have to happen before next pieces can be played. Neilsen gone, Sessions gone. Whitaker had to settle in behind the scenes and lay down new orders. Also military tribunals are carried out outside of public eye. Alot could be happening there if you combine w planefag info over past few days. Went to see -12- remember.