Anonymous ID: d6cf4b Nov. 13, 2018, 8:38 a.m. No.3884937   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4980 >>4985 >>5022 >>5073 >>5150

Anyone ever think that the media and Trump are in cahoots? Create fake division and civil war to ruin a country that was starting to wake up? Sure help us a little, feed us some info, gain trust, establish a connection.


And then pull the trigger.


I say this because nothing is substantive. I admit Q is a drug, like a substance, with no substance. Addicting but empty. Everything predicted is false or something within the admin that any group of insiders could have known. Meanwhile the media plays the blame game and for a guy hell bent on peace, POTUS is a smug, divisive type that further pushes him away from one half and further gravitates the other half to him.


Enjoy the show. These people are stupid. Mirror.

It’s us.


All we have is hearsay, hope and leaked paper work that dead ends. Is any Clinton in any investigation? Any Obama? How about people that matter and not puppets? Soros? Rothschilds? Bezos?


Now explain to me why anons shit themselves when Soros backs a politician. But when Sheldon Adelson does it, its Patritoic?


Know what military industrial complexes are? Read up? Get off the idea the military is squeaky clean and doesn’t have war lords like Dick Cheney (who Q never mentions, which makes sense cause muh military) begging to go to war to make a big buck.


Military unaffected by rouge agents literally in every other aspect of government. Bullshit.


Cleaning government up. Bullshit.


Media and Donald working together to keep us divided. Accurate.


Other than innocent people getting killed in false flags, there’s been no action.