Anonymous ID: ee0d49 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:01 a.m. No.3885291   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5305 >>5319 >>5649

Tuesday the 13th shilling update on Q research (50% breads shill posts edition):











>bcd741 ←—- IP HOP

Look at all these (((shills))) trying to figure out their next move and pretending to control ALL sides of the conversation now LOL

PIC FUCKING RELATED, you weakass (((glow niggers))).

How they are operating now:

>we jews control the narrative nao again

>time to completely brute force and overtake the narrative

>we 'feel' (((muh feelz again))) we are going back on the great offensive again

>still don't know Patriots don't give two fucks about (((no body's))) 'feelz'


People see ALL you liddle kikes trying to kike in the media, msm, astrosurfers, ALWAY (((projecting))) what you are all doing HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HOLY SHIT.

Anons, Patriots, STAY the COURSE and learn to spot the 'demoralization, derailing, sockpuppeting (((shills)))' trying to manipulate your thinking and feelings based on generationally 'conditioned' feelings.

MKultra is VERY relevant here.

Stay strong, stay BRAVE.


NOTHING will stop what is coming'


Killing off kike shills in the msm and those operating in here from likes of reuters etc.

Prison (good luck being a kike/shareblue shill in the gen pop bitches LOL).

Remember, Patriots and killers EVERYWHERE.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: ee0d49 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:14 a.m. No.3885486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5560


Case in point, BO, BVs and all Anons and Patriots.

Check out zerohedge and the comment sections about the articles on the erik prince + khashoggi thing. Fucking kikes are astrosurfing like a motherfucker trying to develop the 'trump the big bad orange man in cahoots with saudi terrorists' etc.

'trump is a criminal'

'trump is NWO globalist'

'trump is'

'trump is'


basically they craft the narrative and 'feelz' to each situation and attempt to shoehorn it all into public consciousness and force people to become NPCs just like (((them))).

(((weak))) cannot stand a free, strong, and powerful other. Always gotta be ankle biters to bring other stronger folk down. Very jewy, very bolshevik, very socialist.

They do the 'five prong injection package' in hopes of triggering anons or manipulating their feelings to despair, anger, confusion, anything but cold powerful steady effort and MASCULINE power.

(((bitches))) are easy to pick out on and off this board.


Also be aware and observe how the article tones plus comment section astrosurfing has changed in alternative media platforms such as zerohedge and breitbart etc. All designed by the operators and (((shill))) managers in MOSSAD/clown elements world wide plus shareblue types to control and craft media (obvious lefty stuff a no-go, instead go for 'disappointment with POTUS' or 'POTUS is a saudi-jew criminal globalist' etc).


All messages crafted to subvert, and usurp narratives.


We know (((their))) playbook.


Stay the course, HELP POTUS and Q team to CHANGE public consciousness. Play with (((shills))) and observe their stupidity on and off this forum, and learn the difference between what is REAL vs. 'illusion' that (((they))) are trying to live under (and trying to get others to believe).


Why the brute force ramp up of shilling now? Why are they going 50% of each breads to completely drown out ALL other voices now?

Because nothing else worked.

Because (((Their))) mentality cannot survive in anything BUT an echo chamber.

All of which are (((projected))) to others with a lot of KIKE MOUTH and corresponding GLOBALIST/LEFTY attitude displayed by text warrioring (((shills))) who should be getting RAPED and KILLED by Patriots in the appropriate positions.

They stand no chance unless they control the narrative.

Because WE, the Patriots, control the FORCE.

Because WE, the Patriots world wide, now have force of VIOLENCE and FORCE on our side (POTUS, Q team, US military and white hat military/others world wide).

Only option they got is to hold people hostage via conditioning and self-destructive/enslaving globalist aka socialist kikish 'muh feelz' mechanisms.

Which (((they))) have been implementing for the last 300 years plus.



WE will [KILL] our enemies, no matter the group, individuals, or organizations.

Remember sessions put a lot of breaks after SPLC and their like.

This is only the beginning.

DESTRUCTION of (((their))) world.



Anonymous ID: ee0d49 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:18 a.m. No.3885538   🗄️.is 🔗kun


sup red bold text KIKE BITCH KEK

How many nigger cocks (ours) do you want to get raped by today?

Probably just as much as how that fucking jew that owns wants everyday.


Weak, weak shit all you jewish whores and lefty shits like liz conklin. ALL of you, are targeted for elimination one way or another HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Also tell good david r to stop bitching like a fucking jew whore that got molested by his goy daddy.

Anonymous ID: ee0d49 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:20 a.m. No.3885575   🗄️.is 🔗kun


when I say 50% of breads, definitely mean 50%.

Night shift is where they hit the hardest last week or so. Complete attempt at take over.

People, anons and Patriots, have to learn to differentiate and ignore the (((shill))) posts.

ANYONE can use multiple devices etc to have different IDs simultaneously and post from ALL angles to subvert and try to control messages.

Weak globalist jewish/muzzy shareblue shit.

We see em all, we will fuck em ALL up.

Anonymous ID: ee0d49 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:25 a.m. No.3885653   🗄️.is 🔗kun


oppenheim's jewish (((bullshit))) network just like KIKE msm in general just uses stupid level propaganda brainwashing tactics to try and 'create' a narrative out of ANY sliver or forms of 'discontent' in the enemy group.

Notice all the attacks against kelly, mattis, bannon, kushner, mbs, le pen, putin, xi (anytime he tries to openly go against NWO agenda)? ANYONE allied with or will work together against NWO control and KIKERY of these jewish and shareblue types in the social media/msm are targeted.


Patriots, stay focused, GAS these fucking niggers.