Anonymous ID: fa8185 Nov. 13, 2018, 8:40 a.m. No.3884959   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5010

>>3884117 (lb)


In a multiracial society, Democracy is nothing more than a Racial Head Count.


The Democrats understand this. They embrace it. That’s why the Non Whites Vote for them overwhelmingly. Because Non Whites have not been targeted to believe that they do not have an Identity, the very concept that gives us the ability to be an Individual, and they are told that their racial identity comes first, everything else second


soon the Democrats won’t have to cheat, they will have the numbers.


If something doesn’t happen with this blatant fraud, then why’s the point of upholding civilization when it’s working to remove me from the equation? Why make a system work that works against me? I’m not suicidal. Are you?