Anonymous ID: 3e978b Nov. 13, 2018, 9:34 a.m. No.3885794   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5879


Also notice breads are moving faster now with all the algo, automated, and bot with operator assistance (((shills))) JACKED UP TO 11 to take over the waves in here and off the board completely.



As of 3:02 pm est today, "Qanon" is now the #2 most attacked entity behind POTUS within the U.S.




(((shilling))) in here is coordinated with msm and MOS narrative agents world wide.

FUCKING PERFECT CLOCKWORK if you observe the platforms. Same messages, same provocations. Our enemies are literally NPCs of the internet, using all means to try and turn everyone into 'grey people' etc.

They will do ANYTHING to try and make sane people feel 'demoralized, confused etc' by using what (((they))) perceive as 'power' (constant repetitive attacks, lies, confusion sowing insults and sock puppeting with 'demoralized what do' etc).


they also create bullshit tangents for people to waste energy on and derail the energy.


EASY to see.


Stay on target, Patriots. Laugh at (((their))) efforts as we press on to WORK WITH POTUS and Q team. Learn their comms, coordinate with POTUS tweets, he gives us messages and talking points daily.


BREAK the conditioning of 'worshipping your chains'. DESTROY the conditioned 'fear' and 'importance' of (((their))) attitude/mentality that is VERY bolshevik and VERY kikey'.





impotence accompanying all of the above.

See how these are (((projected))) onto YOU, the ordinary people WORLD WIDE.

See how those who go against this are targeted, just as a pussy ass jew would mouth off from behind the cover of 'journalism'.




Our enemies and pawns (macron) are jumping so many sharks not sure if there are any sharks in the water not pissed off from their bullshittery anymore KEK

FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous ID: 3e978b Nov. 13, 2018, 9:47 a.m. No.3885984   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6012 >>6194



Q !!mG7VJxZNCI No.409 📁

Nov 5 2018 17:08:35 (EST)

"Did they get the shot?"

"I pointed directly at it 3x."

"I turned and double pointed just to be clear."

"Did they pick up the 'Boom, Boom, Boom….Something is Happening'?"

Yes, Mr. President, Anons are actively tracking. Message received.

"Good, that's good."



They are ALL talking directly to us.

We are taking part as PATRIOT VOLUNTEERS and MILITIA in a world wide intelligence operation the scale of which we have never witnessed in the last 300 years, save [NWO] plans.


We are the counter attack.


WE, are the PUSHBACK.


WE, the PEOPLE, are the backlash (((they))) will never recover from.

Bite that never heals


Anons, Patriots, understand that the WAR is REAL and LETHAL. These bots, and now, near full AI algos are perfectly capable of 'seemingly' having conversation as if you are talking to a real-life kike agent or shareblue lefty scum.

However, they had to update their algos from interactions with anons in the early days of Q research.

Do NOT make the mistake of thinking majority of the 'concern fags' and obvious no tag shill posts are 'real anons'.


Learn that we are really actively fighting AI algos and automated computerized sock puppets impersonating it all. VERY convincing to untrained eyes and minds. Literal kikery propaganda and shareblue brainwashing 24/7.

Observe, dissect, FUCK these little niggers up with their own tactics.


If you are feeling 'demoralized', asking yourself this:

Would (((they))) ramp it up to this degree if they were WINNING?

We know the dems are caught red-handed trying to stuff the ballots.

Just like the (((shills))) in here, they believe they can bullshit their way through and no one will stop them.


We have the force, and violence that can be used as we wish.

FUCK these niggers up. FUCK these clown scum up.



Anonymous ID: 3e978b Nov. 13, 2018, 9:59 a.m. No.3886190   🗄️.is 🔗kun


> 65cfb4


THIS would be prime example of trying not-so-subtly to control the conversations all the while dropping demoralization and (((msm))) messaging (maybe kelly's a traitor and a liar) etc. To forment DIVISION after chomping on about 'sessions' first and trying to convince anons with a bit of truth beforehand.


ALL of the Patriots are targets, do not believe for a moment the direct targets in here are just anons to these (((shills))).

THEY are trying DAILY to shill against admin officials etc.

To exploit any real and or perceived 'differences'. Emotion manipulation.


Personally I would advocate POTUS and Q team to set up teams to drag out these niggers in the (((msm))) - the background algo shill types like these, and shoot them dead in the alley way around the world, their activities in here constitute a DIRECT attack of 'unconventional' nature against the PEOPLE world wide.


Scalpel, sledgehammer, etc.

Anonymous ID: 3e978b Nov. 13, 2018, 10:01 a.m. No.3886233   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6254 >>6260



We got somethin REAL special for these little paki shits around the world, just like all their muzzy roaches.

REAL special.

Lethal attacks.





Wash your necks and wait, muzzy bitch.

Anonymous ID: 3e978b Nov. 13, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3886362   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6412





Anons, see these two (((standard))) kike/shareblue msm faggots and learn that MOS is here 24/7.

OBVIOUS they are sliding as FAST as possible now to cover up any autist convos and real anon talks.

See how (((they))) project.

Their killings will be a good marker KEK



The loss of dwarves meant they had to switch over to other assets.

Remember that situation is fluid, and (((their))) targets world wide for demoralization, confusion, etc are not just anons, but most certainly figures and personnel inside the admin.

using existing real/imagined rifts to exploit and divide.


But these days they are bascially devolving rapidly, and trying to drag down as many normies BACK into sleep through series of harrassments, repetitive brainwashing, emotional manipulation, etc.


Turn up to 11.

Weak, delusional.

PEOPLE, are not so weak, and we are learning to recognize their 'perception changing' tactics via 'shocking' (read: staged and illusory articles and events to change your 'feelz') events.

Like that pelosi-pride laughable bullshit speech.

House has no real power, but they will sure try to flail and wail and thumb their noses with harrassments the entire way trying to act as if they do.

They REAL targets are your emotions, PEOPLE's perception of reality. By triggering already ingrained 'conditioined' feelings that has been ongoing since 300 years ago.

very emotion based. 'muh feelz'. they want to erase all forms of your independent feelings and thinkings. this is basic bitch shill act in real life people of young age (think below 16) engage in but turned up to 11.


Easy to spot.

WE have the FORCE, (((they))) only got their MOUTHS.

Therefore, they constantly try to act as if it is a other way around.

"keep just memeing, you won't get anywhere" etc.

All to pretend they have power through OTHER psyop'd portions of the population around us (who WE, the PEOPLE, must drag back into the light through POWER and PERSUASION + LEADING by RESULTS).


WE, the PEOPLE, the PATRIOTS world wide, have the POWER.

We only forgot how to play, thanks to 300 years of brainwashing and conditioning. Very mkultra, very communist/socialist in nature.


The very decency and good world as we know it is at risk.

These fucking subhuman kike and muzzy scum along with useful pawns are DIRECTLY indoctrinating kids with sex, pedophilia friendly topics so they can try to rape and exploit them later.




REDLINE. They go, or we go.


FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!