Anonymous ID: 68d39f Nov. 13, 2018, 10:11 a.m. No.3886355   🗄️.is đź”—kun

An Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) official in the Trump administration was indicted Tuesday on charges stemming from a previous job.


Trey Glenn, the regional director for EPA’s southeast region, helped Birmingham, Ala. law firm Balch & Bingham between 2014 and 2017 to fight potential EPA actions to clean up contaminated sites in north Birmingham and Tarrant on behalf of Drummond Co., which could be responsible for the cleanups, reported.


The Alabama Ethics Commission, which took the lead on the case, said Tuesday that a grand jury had indicted Glenn and former Alabama Environmental Management Commissioner Scott Phillips for their roles in the controversial efforts, the news site said.


They were charged with multiple alleged violations of state ethics laws, including soliciting a thing of value from a principal, lobbyist or subordinate; and receiving money in addition that received in one’s official capacity.


The EPA did not return a request for comment on the indictment.


The two men worked for Southeast Engineering & Consulting on the Drummond case, and Phillips was serving on the environmental commission.


A federal jury earlier this year convicted Balch partner Joel Gilbert and Drummond vice president David Roberson for bribing an Alabama state lawmaker as part of the effort to stop the EPA cleanup effort. Glenn and Phillips were both called as witnesses in that trial, and evidence showed they were closely with Balch on the effort to stop the cleanups.


Then-EPA chief Scott Pruitt named Glenn to lead the EPA’s southeast region, based in Atlanta, in August 2017, after the alleged incidents that are the subject of the indictment.