Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:28 a.m. No.3885687   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5832 >>5871 >>5904 >>5936 >>6203 >>6300 >>6344

Breaking Report: Broward County Deputy Says Civil Rights Attorneys Were Handing Out Absentee Ballots to Inmates AFTER ELECTION?


A Broward County Sheriff’s deputy says attorneys were collecting ballots AFTER the election last Tuesday.

We are looking into this—


Friday Novemeber 9, 2018 5:30pm — Annie Marie Delgado, President of TrumpTeam Florida 2020, conference called Ann Vandersteel with a a current DOJ employee and was a former high ranking Broward County law enforcement officer. He stated at 7:00 AM that same morning he received a call from a deputy in the Broward County jail. The Deputy said there was “corruption going on inside the jail and that he had never seen anything like it.”


Six months prior to this the Supervisor of Elections allowed non-felon inmates awaiting trial in jail to register to vote. This did not occur due to the security risk it posed if civilians were allowed to walk through the jail doing the voter registration and absentee ballot requests.


** It was previously reported that mass murdered Nikolas Cruz was registered to vote from jail in Broward County.


The Broward County Deputy explained that on Thursday November 8, 2018, after the midterm election, absentee ballots were delivered to the jail for the inmates and the deputies were told to pass them out.


Civil rights attorneys arrived on last Thursday and demanded to see the inmates. They were not the inmates personal attorneys of record. The attorneys wanted to know if the inmates had received their absentee ballots in the mail. As these attorneys were not the inmates’ attorneys of record, Sheriff Scott Israel should not have granted them access to the inmates. Protocol would have the attorneys sign into the jail, yet there is no record.


The Deputy stated that the civil rights attorneys providedg the inmates with the narrative that they never received their absentee ballot. The liberal attorneys said the prisoners were denied the right to vote and they were to file a grievance with the deputies at the jail.


Questions to ask the Supervisor of Elections, Brenda Snipes, and local Broward County authorities:

  1. All of the incoming and outgoing mail is X-rayed at the Broward jail. Does the Broward County jail show evidence of absentee ballots sent and returned?


  1. How many ballots were delivered to the Broward County jail and when were they delivered?


  1. If the inmates filled out these absentee ballots after the election ended, will they be counted as provisional ballots like military and oversees ballots? With 6000 inmates and approximately 5000 currently non-felons waiting sentencing, that would be a considerable number of votes.


  1. Will a class action civil rights lawsuit be filed against the Supervisor of Elections and the Broward County Sheriff for voter suppression?


** The Gateway Pundit contacted the Broward County Sheriff’s office for comment.


The Broward County Public Information Officer told The Gateway Pundit their office acts as the courier between the local Supervisor of Elections and inmates. The practice of registering inmates for elections is not uncommon in Broward County or in other US jails. Jails and prisons are different — the rights of inmates in jails are different than inmates in prison who lose their rights. She said it was standard practice. She referred us to the local SOE for further comment.


We are still collecting information on the absentee ballot actions after the election.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:29 a.m. No.3885715   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5969 >>6203 >>6300 >>6344

‘Completely safe’: Monsanto owner Bayer hit by new wave of lawsuits over Roundup weed killer


German chemicals and pharmaceuticals giant Bayer disclosed that lawsuits from 9,300 plaintiffs were pending at the end of October. The lawsuits allege that the company’s recently acquired weed-killing product causes cancer.


Plaintiffs claim that Roundup weed killers, which Bayer acquired in its takeover of US agrochemical firm Monsanto, made them ill and that the company knew or should have known of the risks but failed to warn adequately.


Bayer rejected all the accusations, claiming there are hundreds of scientific studies and regulatory authorities that show glyphosate, the compound contained in the weed killers, is safe to use.


Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, which is the most popular weed killer in the US.


“We continue to believe that we have meritorious defenses and intend to defend ourselves vigorously in all of these lawsuits,” said Bayer’s chief executive Werner Baumann.


He acknowledged, however, that “more lawsuits are to be expected.” There were 8,700 lawsuits against the company as of the end of August.


According to Baumann, “glyphosate is an indispensable chemical for modern agriculture that is safe to use, very effective and saves resources.” He explained: “When used appropriately, glyphosate is a completely safe and good product,” repeating “completely safe.”


The number of lawsuits against Monsanto has been surging lately and, according to expert estimates, could cost its new owner Bayer billions of dollars in damages in the coming years.


The surge in lawsuits followed the $289-million California court verdict when Monsanto was ordered to pay damages to a man who alleged its glyphosate-based weed killers, including Roundup, caused his cancer.


The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains glyphosate is not likely to be carcinogenic. It had labeled glyphosate a carcinogen in 1985, but reversed the position in 1991. The World Health Organization’s cancer research agency classified glyphosate as “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015. California has listed glyphosate in its Proposition 65 registry of chemicals known to cause cancer.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:31 a.m. No.3885743   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5817 >>5994 >>6203 >>6300 >>6344

Mueller reportedly plans to issue new indictments in the Russia investigation TODAY


The special counsel Robert Mueller plans to issue new indictments in the Russia investigation as early as Tuesday, CBS reported.


Since Mueller took over the investigation in May 2017, his team has charged Americans once affiliated with President Donald Trump’s campaign or administration, as well as Russian nationals and intelligence officers.


The special counsel Robert Mueller is expected to issue new indictments as part of the Russia investigation as soon as Tuesday, CBS reported, citing multiple sources with knowledge of the probe.


Meanwhile, acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker plans to consult with Department of Justice ethics officials about whether he should recuse himself from the investigation into the Trump campaign’s ties to Russia, a department representative said Monday.


Since Mueller took over the investigation in May 2017, his team has charged four Americans once affiliated with Trump’s campaign or administration, 13 Russian nationals, 12 Russian intelligence officers, three Russian companies, and three other people.


They include Paul Manafort, the former Trump campaign chairman, George Papadopoulos, a former Trump campaign adviser, and Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:33 a.m. No.3885772   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5783 >>5969 >>6203 >>6300 >>6344

Brexit deal ‘agreed’ with EU: UK ministers set to arrive at No 10. for May meeting


Prime Minister Theresa May is to chair a special cabinet meeting, Wednesday, after a draft deal was reportedly agreed between UK and EU negotiators following intensive talks in Brussels.


According to an unnamed cabinet source, cited in the BBC, the text has been agreed upon at a technical level.


Cabinet ministers are, on Tuesday evening, having one-on-one meetings with the PM as she attempts to win their backing for the deal. Ministers will reportedly be allowed to see the key papers on the deal, but not allowed to take them home.


The crucial cabinet meeting is set to take place on Wednesday afternoon, when ministers will be able to examine the 400-page withdrawal agreement in more detail. Ministers will be focusing on when the so-called Irish border backstop can be ended, an issue that has riven the cabinet with divisions.


Brexiteers MPs, both in and out of the cabinet, have repeatedly raised their opposition to the UK signing a backstop arrangement that will keep the country in the customs union. The backstop has been proposed as a way of maintaining a soft border between Ireland and Northern Ireland.


Despite the reports, a spokesperson for Simon Coveney, the Irish Foreign Minister, stated the talks were ongoing. "Negotiations between the EU and UK on a withdrawal agreement are ongoing and have not concluded. Negotiators are still engaged and a number of issues are outstanding. We are not commenting further on leaks in the media."


The cabinet was briefed on the current state of the negotiations, as well as planning for Brexit scenarios during a 45-minute discussion earlier today.


Downing Street stated that May had told her ministers that progress had been made, although there were "small number of outstanding issues as the UK pushes for the best text."


Earlier in the day May was forced into an embarrassing climbdown when ministers stated they would publish a ‘full legal statement’ ahead of any parliament vote on the Brexit deal. The Tory government did not oppose the Labour motion, fearing a rebellion from their own MPs on the issue.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:35 a.m. No.3885800   🗄️.is 🔗kun

DEMOCRATS Eye Mississippi Runoff Election – Hope Racist Smears Will Give Democrat a Boost in Race


Democrats are itching to steal another senate election and now have their eyes on Mississippi.


The Democrat party is pushing the myth that Republican Sen. Cyndy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) is a racist because she mentioned the words “public hanging” during a campaign stop in Tupelo.

So she must be a racist.


This is what the Democrat Party is today — racist smear merchants.


It seems to be working for them.


Cindy Hydee-Smith responded to the smear on Monday.


DEMOCRATS Eye Mississippi Runoff Election – Hope Racist Smears Will Give Democrat a Boost in Race

Jim Hoft by Jim Hoft November 13, 2018 0 Comments


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Democrats are itching to steal another senate election and now have their eyes on Mississippi.


The Democrat party is pushing the myth that Republican Sen. Cyndy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) is a racist because she mentioned the words “public hanging” during a campaign stop in Tupelo.

So she must be a racist.


This is what the Democrat Party is today — racist smear merchants.


It seems to be working for them.


Cindy Hydee-Smith responded to the smear on Monday. reported:


Democrats in Mississippi are hoping to pull off an upset in the November 27 Senate runoff election between GOP nominee Sen. Cyndy Hyde-Smith (R-MS) and Democrat nominee former Rep. Mike Espy (D-MS).


This is precisely what they did in the Alabama special Senate election in December of last year when Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL) narrowly defeated embattled GOP nominee Roy Moore.


At first glance, the odds in favor of a Democrat victory would appear improbable.


President Trump easily defeated Hillary Clinton in Mississippi in 2016 by 18 points, 58 percent to 40 percent.


It has been 36 years since the state last elected a Democrat to the United States Senate in 1982, when incumbent Sen. John Stennis (D-MS) was re-elected to his seventh and final term.


But some level of trouble is on the horizon for the GOP, and the Democrats are looking to capitalize on it.


In the three-way election to complete the remaining two years of Sen. Thad Cochran’s term last Tuesday, Hyde-Smith, who was appointed by Gov. Phil Bryant to the seat in April after Cochran’s resignation, finished in first place with 41 percent, Espy finished in second place with 40 percent, and State Senator Chris McDaniel, the Tea Party favorite who narrowly lost the 2014 GOP runoff primary election to Cochran, finished in third with 16 percent.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:36 a.m. No.3885813   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5826 >>5835 >>5840 >>5846 >>5875 >>5969 >>6119 >>6203 >>6300 >>6344 >>6352

It’s True: Broward County Has Yet to Start Their Official Recount of Ballots


What is going on in Broward County and where is the GOP??


Miami-Dade County was already halfway through its recount of over 800,000 votes by noon Monday, however; Broward County hasn’t started yet, according to the Miami Herald.


FOX News previously reported that Broward County started its recounting at around 11:30 AM Sunday — 4-and-a-half hours late.


But on Tuesday morning FOX News agreed with the Miami Herald and said the recount in Broward County had not yet started.


Broward County has less ballots to count than Miami-Dade–let that sink in.


Once again Broward County is turning out to be the problem.


Here again is the Monday report from the Miami Herald:


By noon on Monday, Miami-Dade managed to recount about half of the more than 800,000 votes cast in the 2018 election. Broward County had not yet started its state-mandated recount.


The stark contrast in pace from Florida’s two largest sources of ballots highlights the pressure facing Broward as it tries to meet a Thursday afternoon deadline to recount the more than 700,000 votes cast in the largely Democratic county.


As of noon Monday, Broward still had to calibrate its ballot-scanning machines and sort out the ballots needed to be counted, suggesting the actual recount may not start until later in the day or even Tuesday morning.


The equally corrupt elections officials in Palm Beach County said Sunday evening that they will not be able to finish their recount by the Thursday deadline either.


Florida Governor Rick Scott took legal action on Sunday in an attempt to get the situation under control as he ramps up his fight going into the recount.


Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi stepped in and sent letters to the FDLE and the Secretary of State Sunday, however; many believe they took too long and the damage is already done.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:38 a.m. No.3885850   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5969 >>6315

GA - New York Judge Rules In Favor Of Dems To Review Provisional Ballots


A Georgia federal judge ruled in favor of Democrat Stacey Abrams’ campaign, ordering election officials to review thousands of provisional ballots that have not been counted in the contested election for governor.


U.S. District Judge Amy Totenberg, a New Yorker serving on the Atlanta-based court, issued a 56-page order that could potentially affect thousands of provisional ballots in Georgia's race for governor.


However, Democrat candidate Ms. Abrams would need to gain more than 20,000 votes to force a runoff against Republican Brian Kemp.


Republican Mr. Kemp states that Ms. Abrams’ refusal to concede is simply a case of ‘not willing to admit that her 15 minutes of fame are up.’


According to the official statistics published on Georgia Secretary of State's website, Mr. Kemp is currently leading with 50.3% of the vote versus Ms. Abrams' 48.8%, which translates to fewer than 59,000 votes out of the 3.9 million that have been cast.


Democrat volunteers in the state have been calling all week seeking details of any voting problems, and Ms. Abrams, a very high profile candidate for the Democrats who was also endorsed by celebrity Oprah Winfrey, sent repeated fundraising pleas to supporters insisting the race isn’t over and she still needs their backing.


Ms. Carol O’Regan, a Democrat volunteer, took off from work so she could help the Abrams’ campaign. She is currently calling Georgia voters who records indicate they casted provisional ballots. “It’s not just about Stacey winning. We told people their vote counted, and their votes should count.”


Calling from Democrat registered lists, they leave voicemails to voters: “We understand you had to cast a provisional ballot in the election, and we want to help you clear it up.”


Ms. Abrams posted a video on social media urging her supporters to help as much as possible: “I’d love to win; I want to win. But that’s not the point. The point is the system has to work. The point is we have to have confidence in that system.”


A campaign spokesman for Republican candidate Brian Kemp, Mr. Ryan Mahoney declared that Ms. Abrams had “moved from desperation to delusion. Stacey Abrams lost and her concession is long overdue.”



Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:40 a.m. No.3885896   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5936 >>6203 >>6300 >>6344

NGO exposed teaching migrants how to trick ‘f***ing stupid’ EU border guards


A group that helped over 15,000 refugees and migrants to get into Europe has been caught on tape admitting to systematically training asylum seekers to exploit screening interviews by feigning trauma and persecution.


Ariel Ricker, the executive director of Advocates Abroad, a major non-profit NGO which provides legal aid to migrants, has been caught on tape openly discussing how she teaches refugees to lie to border agents. The video was released by Canadian right-wing activist, author and internet personality, Lauren Southern, and will be a part of her new documentary film project 'Borderless,' which takes on the European migration crisis.


On its website, Advocates Abroad claims to have helped as many as 15,000 migrants cross the Greek border, and 2,500 more outside of Greece. The organization is massive, taking volunteers from major universities, and was even featured in a documentary film by the International Bar Association.


In the footage, Ricker describes how the organization provides training sessions for migrants seeking entry into Europe, in which they are taught how to act during interviews with border agents:


I tell them this is acting, all of this is acting… for them to get through, they must act their part in the theater.


She also calls EASO (European Asylum Support Office) personnel tasked with screening the migrants “f***ing stupid,” and describes a formula that the organization has created to exploit them in screening interviews.


One method she teaches migrants is to exploit the presumed Christian sympathies of the predominantly Eastern Orthodox Greece by pretending to have been persecuted for being Christian. She even describes telling them how to pray during interviews, ironically because doing so reflects “honesty.”


At first, the organization responded to the initial release of the video, tweeting:

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3885969   🗄️.is 🔗kun

>>3885715 ‘Completely safe’: Monsanto owner Bayer hit by new wave of lawsuits 9,300 plaintiffs

>>3885772 Brexit deal ‘agreed’ with EU: UK ministers set to arrive at No 10. for May meeting

>>3885813 Broward County Has Yet to Start Their Official Recount of Ballots

>>3885850 GA - New York Judge Rules In Favor Of Dems To Review Provisional Ballots




Come on baker these are all relevant to the map

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:51 a.m. No.3886057   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Gillibrand: Trump Should Resign — The House ‘Will Hold Him Accountable


NBC Claims John Kelly Could Depart Trump WH After Clashes with FLOTUS

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:52 a.m. No.3886080   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6250

France Finance Minister: Europe Must Become an ‘Empire’ to Compete with U.S., Vows to Defy Trump’s Iran Sanctions


France’s Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire has called for Europe to become an “empire” to compete with the United States after the country’s President Emmanuel Macron called for an EU army to defend against the NATO ally.


“It’s about Europe having to become a kind of empire, as China is. And how the U.S. is,” Mr Le Maire told Germany’s Handelsblatt.


Adding that it would be a “peaceful empire,” the economics and finance minister touted the progressive government’s green credentials, saying that the European empire should “rel[y] on green growth. Neither China nor the U.S., who are leaving the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, are on this path.”


Quizzed by the journalist on his reference to “empire,” Mr Le Maire said: “Do not get me wrong, I’m talking about a peaceful empire that’s a constitutional state.


“I use the term to raise awareness that in the world of tomorrow, it will be about power. Power will make the difference: technological power, economic, financial, monetary, cultural power will be crucial.


“Europe should no longer shy away from displaying its power and being an empire of peace,” the minister remarked.


Mr Le Maire also said that France would continue to trade with Iran in defiance of fresh U.S. sanctions imposed last week, saying that the European Union should “tell the U.S. clearly: we are a sovereign continent.”


He added that the UK, France, and Germany were working on a special purpose vehicle (SPV) ‘clearing house’ that would allow European Union companies to bypass U.S. sanctions and “maintain legitimate and international trade” with the Islamic regime, with The Guardian noting last week that it could be hosted by either Germany or France.


“It is clear to everyone that today it takes courage to stand in the way of the government of Donald Trump.


“We want an instrument for the independence and sovereignty of Europe. After setting up the special purpose vehicle, we need staff and finally a banking licence. Subsequently, we may be able to transform the SPV into an intergovernmental European institution.”


“We want a way to exchange goods and services when financial flows between Iran and Europe are no longer possible. This is legal and under European rules. Payments remain in Europe,” Le Maire added.


The finance minister denied that the SPV would be in contravention of U.S. sanctions, claiming it would be “in accordance with European and international law.”


“We dispute the legitimacy of extraterritorial U.S. sanctions. You can not violate any sanctions that do not apply to us.”


The Finance Minister’s adversarial position comes after French President Emmanuel Macron said last week that the EU needs its own army to “protect” itself from “China, Russia and even the United States of America.”


Macron has joined the ranks of Eurocrats Guy Vehofstadt MEP and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker in calling for deeper EU integration which could eventually lead to a United States of Europe.



Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 9:54 a.m. No.3886114   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6125 >>6160 >>6163 >>6189 >>6219

CHARGES FILED Against Tucker Carlson!


Jim Hoft for the Gateway Pundit reports, Creepy lawyer Michael Avenatti has thrust himself into yet another headline grabbing scheme this time revolving around an altercation between Tucker Carlson and a gay Latino immigrant activist.…



Tucker Carlson responded to attorney Michael Avenatti’s claim that he was investigating an “alleged assault” on a “gay Latino immigrant” by the Fox News host last month, saying in a detailed statement that the man had called his teenage daughter a “whore” at a Virginia country club.


The response comes after Avenatti, who has clashed with Carlson before, tweeted a video that appeared to show Carlson telling someone “get the f— out of here.” The video does not show Carlson assaulting anyone.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:02 a.m. No.3886246   🗄️.is 🔗kun

How the Bush Administration Used the 2001 Anthrax Attacks to Manufacture Consent for the Iraq War


ABBY MARTIN : 17 years ago, less than one month after the horrific attacks on September 11, 2001, weaponized anthrax was sent through the mail in a biological attack that stunned an already traumatized nation. The first American died from anthrax infection on October 5th. During the weeks that followed, letters sent through the US postal system containing anthrax were targeted at US media organizations and sitting US senators. In the end, five people were left dead–two US postal workers, a Florida photojournalist, a New York city hospital worker and a 95 year old widow in Connecticut. Over 22 people were hospitalized from exposure. Many dozens more tested positive for anthrax in the months that followed.


It was a one-two punch of guttural horror. Americans were already glued to their television sets, watching 24/7 coverage of planes exploding and iconic skyscrapers crumbling. Over and over, we watched thousands perish. But terrorism was still abstract to those removed from the tragedy. The anthrax attacks changed that, localizing the fear of terrorism to everyone––even your grandma living in the suburbs of Connecticut. Anyone could get a letter. Anyone could be the next target.


With the remains of the World Trade Center still smoldering, the Bush administration made several attempts to connect Saddam Hussein to 9/11. The anthrax attacks gave them the perfect opportunity to piggyback ‘weapons of mass destruction’ fears on a very real bioweapons attack. They used willing reporters as instruments to tie nonexistent bentonite from the anthrax letters to Saddam’s nonexistent weapons cache. Journalist stenographers in DC were the conduit for government propaganda, hyping up the threat of terrorism. The anthrax attacks justified the fear-mongering that 9/11 was not simply a one-off incident, and that terrorism was America’s new normal.


Not since the Zodiac killer letters had Americans been subjected to such strange visual threats like the block text in short lines that the anthrax letters read:








The letters were almost a parody of an islamic terrorist. But who was actually behind the attack? Who had the expertise necessary to secretly manufacture and then distribute weaponized anthrax spores? Who had the motive?


In this special episode of Media Roots Radio, after conducting extensive research from public documents, tv news archives, wire stories, first hand interviews and eye witness accounts, myself and Robbie Martin will tell the story of the 2001 anthrax attacks, what preceded them, what happened during the investigation and how this seemingly small event was instrumental in selling the Iraq war, shaping the reality tunnel we live in now. In Part 1 of our investigation, we start with a chronology of the lead up to the attacks and a blow by blow account of how they unfolded.

Anonymous ID: 898243 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:05 a.m. No.3886273   🗄️.is 🔗kun

14 Moroccans sexually abuse girl and knife her boyfriend in Spain – Mainstream media silent


The events took place in Santa Coloma de Gramenet in Catalonia two days ago. The young lady was travelling on the Metro with her boyfriend when the Moroccan “manada” (or wild herd, as the Spanish call sexually violent groups of men) started molesting her.


The youths followed the couple out of the train compartment and inserted themselves inside an elevator in the train station with them and proceeded to knife the young man as he defended his girlfriend, and violently sexually attack the young lady.


The group were arrested by the local police of Santa Coloma de Gramenet this past Sunday, November 11th, in the house they were squatting in.


As they were diagnosed with scabies, an infectious skin disease, the police have had to disinfect the vehicles in which they were transported and the police station itself.


Two of the 14 Moroccan youths captured were minors, and several of those involved had already been arrested a couple of times in recent days by local police for various violent robberies. The wounded young man, who had come out in defense of his girlfriend, is out of danger.


The municipal government has asked the Catalan government to address the situation urgently as these unaccompanied youths are dedicated to “committing different crimes and delinquencies, generating alarm and insecurity.” They have also asked for more policing of the zone.


There is virtually no mention of this immigrant crime in the mainstream media, and when there is, it is usually to ask for compassion and leniency for the sexual attackers.


There was none of that when another “manada”, this one composed of five Spanish men, were exposed two years ago. Then the Media spent weeks and weeks denouncing them as monsters.