Anonymous ID: ab1ebf Nov. 13, 2018, 9:41 a.m. No.3885911   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6036

Bob Woodward trashes CNN's lawsuit: We’re taking Trump's 'bait'


Veteran journalist Bob Woodward isn't a fan of CNN's lawsuit against the White House. Speaking at a conference in Naples, Fla., the Washington Post associate editor called the lawsuit a "negative" for CNN and the media, while being advantageous to President Trump. “In the news media there has been an emotional reaction to Trump … too many people for Trump or against Trump have become emotionally unhinged about this," Woodward was quoted as saying by Dylan Byers of NBC “This is a negative … Trump is sitting around saying, ‘This is great.” … “When we engage in [Trump’s strategy] we’re taking his bait," Woodward said. News. “The remedy [isn’t a lawsuit], it’s more serious reporting about what he’s doing," he added.


CNN sued the Trump administration on Tuesday for violating the First Amendment when the White House suspended correspondent Jim Acosta's hard pass, which facilitate entry onto the White House grounds. The White House said last week that it was indefinitely suspending Acosta's credentials, citing the way Acosta resisted letting go of his microphone when a White House intern tried to take it away during a press conference with Trump. In a statement, the White House said it would "vigorously defend" against the lawsuit from "grandstanding" CNN.

Anonymous ID: ab1ebf Nov. 13, 2018, 9:45 a.m. No.3885965   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5982 >>6018 >>6029 >>6037 >>6112

John Kelly may soon be out as chief of staff after clashing with Melania Trump


President Trump’s chief of staff John Kelly may soon be pushed out of the White House after clashing with first lady Melania Trump. The top White House aide and the first lady have had disputes over staffing issues and travel requests, NBC News reported Tuesday. "There have been instances where the East Wing staff were not treated as equals to the male-dominated decision makers in Chief Kelly’s office," one White House official told the news outlet. "Promotions were denied then finally granted after months of requests.”


Some of the arguments have escalated to the president. The first lady brought up the issues with her husband earlier this year after Kelly repeatedly denied her requests to promote some of her staffers. Kelly had said there were not enough available positions for East Wing staffers to have senior titles, but West Wing officials were given promotions during the same time, White House officials told NBC. The president told Kelly to respect his wife’s wishes. "I don't need this shit," President Trump told Kelly. The first lady’s communications director, Stephanie Grisham, and White House social secretary Rickie Niceta were eventually promoted to deputy assistants to the president in June. Melania Trump also disagreed with Kelly’s decision to fire her director of operations, Justin Caporale, and John McEntee, the president’s personal aide. She viewed their firings as “personal affronts.” The pair have also clashed over travel arrangements for the first lady’s staff. Kelly repeatedly wouldn’t reserve space for Melania Trump’s two aides on Air Force One or on helicopters. They would also not be reserved hotel rooms and were not included in motorcade movements. Grisham did not immediately respond to the Washington Examiner’s request for comment.

Anonymous ID: ab1ebf Nov. 13, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.3886313   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6366

FDLE not investigating, I did research last night, the Commissioner is Rick Swearingen, seems to be involved in many cases that go nowhere. Then there is this…


FDLE's new chief breaks silence, saying he's not "the governor's boy"


Nothing really mentioned regarding personal life either, just professional.