Anonymous ID: c5e8c6 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:07 a.m. No.3886303   🗄️.is 🔗kun




>I would love for someone to explain how an arts and crafts project is suddenly an IED. How is it an explosive device if there are no explosives in it?


Good catch, anon!


The high level take is more of the partial truth, neurolinguistic (re)programming shit, where key triggering adjectives are blazed into the headlines and all the narratives.


First disconnect from reality: patsy perp

Second disconnect: not anywhere NEAR functional props!

Third disconnect (general tactic): Go on lying oblivious to any retractions, pushback or facts.


This frustrates the woke and conditions the sleeping to always trust the talking heads! (((THEY))) will always watch your back, just like good cattlemen do!