Anonymous ID: 27e9e5 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:36 a.m. No.3886672   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6806

>>3885705 (LB)

Surgeonanon here. Unless you are a trained GYN or Gastroenterologist/proctologist/general surgeon (I'm non of the above) – and know for a fact that there is NO medical condition(s) that would indicate the clinical use of the dilators - do not run with those memes and certainly don't destroy that physician's reputation.


As a surgeon (orthopedic) on a mission trip in Guatemala, a general surgeon on our team performed a minor surgery on a 13 year old boy who had lived a miserable life with a severe congenital bowel stricture resulting in a lifetime of EVERY bowel movement being hideously painful. A few snips and clips later, his life was forever changed for the good. I'm not saying a dilator was used. Perhaps in less severe cases, a dilator could be indicated.


Perhaps a general surgeon can weigh in…