Anonymous ID: 2de3c1 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:14 a.m. No.3886409   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6724

When do kids stop losing their parents to supposedly preventable diseases? When do parents stop losing their kids? Wives their husbands, husbands their wives. Parents burying their children. Siblings losing one another. Aunts, uncles, best friends.


They have the cures. But you have it all? How many more votes do you need?


Fuck politics. Sorry to Q, Potus, and this board but fuck politics. Betterment for mankind. That’s all that matter. Fuck your politics. Fuck your Fox News pro analysis. It means nothing to an 8 year old in a hospital bed. I’m tired of this shit.


You came in here and stated aliens exist. I was on the board. Lay that egg and leave. I always assumed aliens were out there but many did not. And you shit on their religion with still no explanation but expect unity, not division. Lead by example.


Life matters. Fuck politics. God did not make politics. Man did. I gave you my vote. Look where we are. Politics persist. Life gets ignored. Wtf?


How hard is it to leak some cures? You literally claim to have and control everything. Recounts. Real lives being lost. Too many holes to this shit that’s been ignored through hope for too long.