Anonymous ID: 4c4fc7 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:43 a.m. No.3886783   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6886 >>6911

I wouldn't say I'd bet on it but it's possible potus and Q team have been forced to act far more than we suspect. Pence did help push out Flynn after all. If Flynn feels he has to lie to Pence then I don't trust him either, just sayin. If potus still has Pence working from the WH who else is he playing? If we threw all of their agents out last year and revealed that we knew their plans and identified their firewalls we would have triggered things that we would rather not do until we had the SCOTUS and Senate locked up. I read interesting leaked e-mails from Mattis to friends that weren't too kind to Trump's decision to enter the race back in 2015. He could have changed mind after being approached by mil patriots of overall Q plan though. Priebus,Gorka,Spicer,(maybe Bannon),Powell, Cohn, were all played by D5 so who's to say we were done. I'm just not ruling out possibility.Also, I don't think Whitaker is a Scaramucci play. There has to be the threat of permanence in the position for people to run scared(Priebus and Spicer) and I don't think the plan is for Whitaker to stay in the position. I think it's possible but they have put alot on his plate that will champion him to some and villify him to others. He could technically step down, then have someone else temp fill it, he would then be able to be nominated for the position and then be subject to Senate confirmation. They may be keeping the door open for the possibility of him staying through this process, depending on how the optics are going at the time. I'd imagine it's someone else in line though and he moves on to another "endeavor" .

Anonymous ID: 4c4fc7 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:59 a.m. No.3887002   🗄️.is 🔗kun


At this point I'm expecting every hail mary operation the cult thinks they can pull off to take place. The board has been flipped to now or never for them.