Anonymous ID: 83b794 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:19 a.m. No.3886454   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6577

>>3886281 (LB)

>>3886333 (LB)


Q told us how to translate letters into numbers (zeros fall away).


(JK)111, (JK)111, 181 (->18<-) 18th=R, or two 18's=36…he's #36 to dad's #35, or two (II) 8=28…


(J)10+(F)6+(K)11=27…+1=28, or (J)10+(R)18=28…


2 JK's… or "2nd JK" with and 18/R after… 11.11.18. (111 111 181)


and on and on it goes.

Anonymous ID: 83b794 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:29 a.m. No.3886577   🗄️.is 🔗kun



(J)1amal (K)11ashoggi… call me suspicious.


(J/1)(K/11) (R/18)owling… BEYOND suspicious with the nasty texts she exchanged with POTUS with 132 "ha"s in them. HA=81/18 132 of them is 1st number, all 3 numbers, last number. 1, 6, 2 (JFK) Timestamps confirmed further.

Remember "ClayHiggins18" instead of correct "RepClayHiggins"? Add an 18 that's not there and remove an "R" that should be? On June 24th? Come on!

POTUS plays this way with "(J)ared (K)ushner" in tweets as well.