Anonymous ID: 983407 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:23 a.m. No.3886502   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6540 >>6639 >>7089


  1. Damn son. You still wanting to handoff or are you good to keep going? I'm good either way.



Not sure what you mean by buried, but baker can't fix these kinds of admin issues (retrieving threads.) If you mean some posts were lost when a bread was deleted, this does sometimes happen. We just hope anything truly valuable will be reposted and grabbed up another time.

Anonymous ID: 983407 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:32 a.m. No.3886615   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Perfect. Catch you in a bit. I'll start calling for handoff bread after next prolly, in hopes someone's around. Thanks again baker



Ty anon. When breads are fast, bakers really need the help of you shill-spotters and NOT NOTABLE callers. This is also important:


Anons, plz include sauce (URL link) to any post you wish to be notable.

If you nominate a notable that isn't sauced, include sauce with your nomination. If the summary/description of notable isn't apparent, plz include it and any helpful context/analysis.


Anonymous ID: 983407 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:52 a.m. No.3886910   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Notes so far


>>3886731 Lawfag discusses Presidential "secret pardons" and 11/11 Time article

>>3886525 Vid: Newly Based Lindsey Graham says Broward vote "not fair, not square"

>>3886534, >>3886630, >>3886722 Moar on Cali's Woolsey fire

>>3886792 Does Mueller Have Matt Whitaker’s Emails to Trump Campaign Adviser Sam Clovis?

>>3886462 South African Home Affairs Minister Resigns Amid Sex Tape Scandal

>>3886437 Hungarian Foreign Minister calls for restoring EU-Russia economic cooperation

>>3886435 DOJ Busts Six Broadcast Television Co.'s re: antitrust civil case

>>3886430, >>3886520

>>3886425 Anon tells a velly intellesting story of swamp draining (epilogue >>3886554)

^^^ Baker change ^^^

>>3886423 Acting Bonanno mob boss, high-ranking family leaders busted in racketeering takedown.

>>3886421 JW seeks HRC testimony in court.

Anonymous ID: 983407 Nov. 13, 2018, 10:54 a.m. No.3886938   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>The 'Scaramucci' Play

>Temp hire to remove embedded 'untrustworthy' staffers?

Had been thinking the same thing.

Fast acting, don't have to get confirmation first etc.

Anonymous ID: 983407 Nov. 13, 2018, 11:03 a.m. No.3887046   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3887022 OpEd: Crooks and Communists Fight to Lead House Democratic Caucus

>>3886732 Moar on Cryin' Chuck Schumer's gov. shutdown threats to protect Mueller

>>3886914 DOJ: Former Charity CEO Pleads Guilty To Multi-Million-Dollar Political Corruption

>>3886912 Anon considers Whitaker in light of the Mooch and other Q musings

>>3886731 Lawfag discusses Presidential "secret pardons" and 11/11 Time article

>>3886525 Vid: Newly Based Lindsey Graham says Broward vote "not fair, not square"

>>3886534, >>3886630, >>3886722 Moar on Cali's Woolsey fire

>>3886792 Does Mueller Have Matt Whitaker’s Emails to Trump Campaign Adviser Sam Clovis?

>>3886462 South African Home Affairs Minister Resigns Amid Sex Tape Scandal

>>3886437 Hungarian Foreign Minister calls for restoring EU-Russia economic cooperation

>>3886435 DOJ Busts Six Broadcast Television Co.'s re: antitrust civil case

>>3886430, >>3886520

>>3886425 Anon tells a velly intellesting story of swamp draining (epilogue >>3886554)

^^^ Baker change ^^^

>>3886423 Acting Bonanno mob boss, high-ranking family leaders busted in racketeering takedown.

>>3886421 JW seeks HRC testimony in court.


baking soon

since bread's a bit fast. great job w/sauce anons.

Anonymous ID: 983407 Nov. 13, 2018, 11:08 a.m. No.3887104   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>>3887022 OpEd: Crooks and Communists Fight to Lead House Democratic Caucus

>>3886732 Moar on Cryin' Chuck Schumer's gov. shutdown threats to protect Mueller

>>3886914, >>3887071 DOJ: Former Charity CEO Pleads Guilty To Multi-$M Political Corruption

>>3886912 Anon considers Whitaker in light of the Mooch and other Q musings

>>3886731 Lawfag discusses Presidential "secret pardons" and 11/11 Time article

>>3886525, >>3887066 Vid: Newly Based Lindsey Graham: Broward vote "not fair, not square"

>>3886534, >>3886630, >>3886722 Moar on Cali's Woolsey fire

>>3886792 Does Mueller Have Matt Whitaker’s Emails to Trump Campaign Adviser Sam Clovis?

>>3886462 South African Home Affairs Minister Resigns Amid Sex Tape Scandal

>>3886437 Hungarian Foreign Minister calls for restoring EU-Russia economic cooperation

>>3886435 DOJ Busts Six Broadcast Television Co.'s re: antitrust civil case

>>3886430, >>3886520

>>3886425 Anon tells a velly intellesting story of swamp draining (epilogue >>3886554)

^^^ Baker change ^^^

>>3886423 Acting Bonanno mob boss, high-ranking family leaders busted in racketeering takedown.

>>3886421 JW seeks HRC testimony in court.

