Anonymous ID: b7a8af Nov. 13, 2018, 10:44 a.m. No.3886796   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6815

Dear anons and frens. Things may seem to be taking a turn for the worse and treacherous scumbags appear to be running free and unpunished continuing to do their evil deeds. Despair not, for this is only temporary. No matter how hard evil fights to stay in power it is always defeated by the greater good and glory of a good man and God by his side.


The current times may appear to be bad and challenging. Democrats and DS agents stealing elections right in front of our eyes. Remember, nothing is finished until January 2019 so keep that in mind. And believe and start believing that all of the current POTUS, MILINT and our work and efforts and faith here will work out for the best and USA will become better, greater and more majestic than ever before. A land of peace, fairness and opportunity for its citizens and residents, reflecting Gods values and glory.