Anonymous ID: 61843b Nov. 13, 2018, 11:25 a.m. No.3887322   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7353 >>7392 >>7396 >>7418

>>3886494 (lb)

>>3886510 (lb)

Is this a sign of what's to come, or a response to what's already happened?


Not a moneyfag, but I think, at least as written, this seems to fall right into what may be Rothschilds efforts to either prepare for whatever's coming up or ensure whatever already happened doesn't happen again.


The US has gone rogue, and cannot be allowed to dictate economic or political policy to the rest of the world. The sooner the rest of the world develops an alternate payments system – possibly working through SWIFT, but using a basket of currencies as the basis for a supra-national unit of exchange – the better. The USA is big enough to bully what should be an impartial means for monetary transactions between countries. This should not be possible,” he said."


In July, Leonhard Weese, the co-founder and president of the Hong Kong Bitcoin Association, reported that HotelsinIran decided to integrate crypto after finding difficulties in accepting fiat currencies.


“Many people still look at cryptocurrencies and say ‘I won’t use this.’ But already in 2018 people are getting into the situation where they have to use cryptocurrencies as their only payment option, or else they can’t conclude their trade. This is how Bitcoin will eventually be adopted,” Weese said at the time.


Let's Recap:

12/21/17: Trump signs EO blocking property of those involved with trafficking or serious corruption. (1)


(end of 2017): Alexandre Rothschild takes interest in crypto/IMMO (2)


Shortly before or after, Soros dumps millions into his own non-profit (sorry no sauce)


1/31/18: Announced: Rothschilds Sell Austrian Hunting Estate in a ‘Historic’ Deal (3)


02/18: it's known by now Rothschilds have heavy interest in Crypto (4)


04/18: Rockefeller, Soros, Rothschild all involved in crypto-currency. (5)


Early May, 2018: A Rothschild is named Chair of GESTION, A MANAGING PARTNER

"Earlier this month, Rothschild & Co announced that Alexandre de Rothschild will be appointed as Executive Chairman of Rothschild & Co Gestion, Rothschild & Co's Managing Partner." (6)


10/24/18: Rothschild to sell trust services business to ONE OF ITS MANAGERS (7)


11/13/18: Swift pulled from Iran


A bankfag fren says her bosses have been preparing for something related to crypto for months now.

I don't need to be a moneyfag to conclude this is somehow connected to POTUS and the E.O.

Is the Manager Rothschilds are selling the Trust to another Rothschild?

Is the Federal Reserve included in the portfolio? How much?

Are they preparing to avert seizure, or was it already seized?

If it was already seized, are they defending further forfeiture, or preparing to take down our financial system?

Do they know they'd be doing us a favor?

Can anyone fit into this timeline Trumps attempts to shift business lending to credit unions to shield a big chunk of our economy from such an event?









Anonymous ID: 61843b Nov. 13, 2018, 11:30 a.m. No.3887418   🗄️.is 🔗kun


but why would they create something they have no control over? These fuckers will heart attack your girlfriend simply because you dared suggest the internet was to be blackhat free.


I thought block chain tech was the answer to our voting fraud, but with stretchier eyes I have to ask, do we really know it's safe?

Anonymous ID: 61843b Nov. 13, 2018, 11:41 a.m. No.3887580   🗄️.is 🔗kun


How many more centuries would innocent people be burned alive. I'm honored to be part of the plan and thankful I don't have to know it all. I thank God for his plan, and for the burdens he puts in my knapsack.