Anonymous ID: b87d3a Nov. 13, 2018, 11:14 a.m. No.3887189   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7292

Justice Department Requires Six Broadcast Television Companies to Terminate and Refrain From Unlawful Sharing of Competitively Sensitive Information

Anonymous ID: b87d3a Nov. 13, 2018, 11:15 a.m. No.3887200   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7700 >>7836 >>7897

Trump Calls NY Times Report on N Korea Developing Missile Bases 'Inaccurate'


President Donald Trump in a statement on Tuesday said the New York Times report regarding North Korea moving forward with its ballistic missile program at secret sites does not contain anything new.


"The story in the New York Times concerning North Korea developing missile bases is inaccurate," Trump said in a Twitter post. "We fully know about the sites being discussed, nothing new — and nothing happening out of the normal. Just more Fake News. I will be the first to let you know if things go bad!"


On Monday, the New York Times, citing satellite imagery posted online, reported that Pyongyang is making progress on its ballistic missile program at 16 hidden bases, contradicting Trump’s claims of neutralizing the nuclear threat on the Korean peninsula.


The report also said sanctions against North Korea are collapsing in part because North Korea is leveraging Washington’s new "soft" approach while resuming trade with Russia and China.


The long-standing tensions on the Korean Peninsula started to ease after North Korea's leader Kim Jong-un committed to denuclearizing and held historic summits with South Korean President Moon Jae-in and US President Donald Trump earlier in the year. Last week Trump said he expects to meet with Kim early next year.

Anonymous ID: b87d3a Nov. 13, 2018, 11:16 a.m. No.3887217   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7255 >>7700 >>7836 >>7897

Marco Rubio Reveals Broward and Palm Beach Counties’ Strategy to Steal the Election


Broward County and Palm Beach County are deliberately delaying their recount efforts in order to pass the election over to lawyers and judges, says Senator Marco Rubio.


The Florida Secretary of State officially ordered a recount over the weekend and as expected, Broward and Palm Beach Counties won’t make the Thursday recount deadline.


The corrupt elections officials in Palm Beach County said Sunday evening that they will not be able to finish their recount by the Thursday deadline.


By Tuesday morning it was reported that Broward County hadn’t even started its recount yet!


Miami-Dade County was already halfway through its recount of over 800,000 votes by noon Monday, however; Broward County hasn’t started yet, according to the Miami Herald.


But there is a method to this madness, says Rubio.


The reason why Snipes and Bucher are delaying the recount is so they can get a judge to order domestic vote by mail received after 7 PM election day counted.


This is a violation of state law, but apparently laws don’t apply to Democrats.


“Broward County and Palm Beach County are headed towards being the only counties to not make the deadline for machine recount,” Rubio said.


“Potentially deliberate effort to delay final count hoping a judge will order domestic vote by mail received after 7pm Election Day counted, in violation of state law,” Rubio added in a tweet posted Tuesday afternoon.


“Incompetent law breaking election officials lead to chance for lawyers to steal an election. Dem lawyers aren’t here to make sure every vote is counted. They’re here to get as many votes for their client as possible counted & get as many votes for opponent as possible thrown out,” Rubio said.


Democrat lawyers, including swamp dweller Marc Elias of Perkins Coie descended on Florida last week to steal the Senate and Governor elections from Republicans.


Hillary Clinton even staked her claim in Florida by helping with fundraising efforts to pay for lawyers and activists fighting for the corrupt Democrat Senator Bill Nelson.


Where is the GOP??

Anonymous ID: b87d3a Nov. 13, 2018, 11:19 a.m. No.3887247   🗄️.is 🔗kun

After Thousand Oaks, It's Time to Dethrone the Mental-Health 'Experts'


There we were finally thinking we could spend a few days coming down from the draining drama of the midterm election campaign and, the day after the election, a man walked into a bar in Thousand Oaks, California, and killed twelve people, plus himself. Coming eleven days after the Pittsburgh synagogue massacre, the Thousand Oaks atrocity forced us yet again to confront what, whether we like it or not, is hard not to see as the particularly (if not exclusively) American phenomenon of apparently meaningless mass shootings. By “meaningless,” I mean mass murders that aren't acts of planned and coordinated terrorism carried out against carefully selected strategic targets by people who consider themselves soldiers in a noble or sacred cause. I mean lone nuts killing for no other reason that they feel compelled to kill.


When I saw that the massacre had taken place in a bar in Thousand Oaks, I wondered whether it was the same establishment I remember dropping into one night in the mid 1980s, a period when I spent a lot of time visiting my mother in her Northridge apartment. Thousand Oaks is nice. Very nice. It's supposed to be one of the safest places in the country. Anyway, a quick online search confirmed that it wasn't the place I remembered visiting. Not that it mattered one way other, of course. When things like this happen, I guess it's human nature to react by wondering whether one has some connection to the crime scene or has crossed paths with a victim or perpetrator.


Looking at a couple of newspaper reports, I discovered that the killer was a former member of the U.S. Marines who had served in Afghanistan and who had apparently come back home with PTSD. His mother, with whom he lived, had been “terrified” he might hurt himself or others, and his conduct was so disturbing that neighbors called the cops. The cops, in turn, had him looked at by mental health “experts,” but they determined that he was of no danger to himself or others.


Those last few words, “of no danger to himself or others,” have played a key role in my own life more than once. First in New York and later in Norway, I have had close relationships with two people who, I realized, were suffering from serious psychiatric disorders and needed care. For months before I came to this determination about the person in New York, he had been regularly seeing a psychologist and a fancy Central Park West psychiatrist, neither of whom recognized that he required hospitalization and medication. Instead, they professed that he was, yes, “of no danger to himself or others.” They were busy giving him talk therapy – an activity that, as I could see (but they couldn't), was only making him sicker. While these doctors were insisting he was basically OK, he was, unbeknownst to them, frequenting some of the seediest bars in Manhattan, where, he told a mutual friend, his goal was to get infected with HIV so he could then pass it on to others.

Anonymous ID: b87d3a Nov. 13, 2018, 11:21 a.m. No.3887273   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7519

White House Responds to CNN Lawsuit Over Jim Acosta Ban


The White House has responded to a lawsuit CNN filed against President Donald Trump and five other individuals working at the White House over the suspension of reporter Jim Acosta’s press pass.


Acosta refused to give up a microphone after a confrontational exchange with Trump over his definition of the word “invasion,” claiming Trump “demonized immigrants” by drawing attention to the thousands of Central Americans who are moving through Mexico in the hopes of illegally entering the United States.


After the sequence, during which Trump responded four times to Acosta, the CNN correspondent refused to give up a microphone, violating protocol. All other members of the press at the Nov. 7 press conference asked one question, and sometimes a follow-up.


When a female White House intern came over and attempted to take the mic to pass it on to another reporter, Acosta pushed back against her arm. CNN later falsely claimed that Acosta did not touch the intern, despite ample video evidence that he did, repeating that claim in the lawsuit.


Eventually, he relinquished the microphone. The full exchange is in the video at the top of the page.


Later that day, when Acosta returned to the White House, a member of the Secret Service said he’d been instructed to take Acosta’s hard press pass, which enables reporters to access press conferences and other events in the building. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said in a statement that Acosta’s pass was suspended until further notice and Trump later called Acosta “A very unprofessional man.”