Anonymous ID: d5007a Nov. 13, 2018, 11:51 a.m. No.3887766   🗄️.is 🔗kun

At least seven messages on former FBI Director James Comey’s private Gmail account were so sensitive that the Department of Justice declined to release them.

The New York Post exclusively obtained 156 of 1,200 pages of messages in which the former FBI director and his chief of staff James Rybicki discussed government business. DOJ refused to hand over seven of the messages because they “disclose techniques and procedures for law enforcement investigations or prosecutions.” Another 363 pages were withheld because they contained privileged FBI communications or out of personal privacy concerns.

The messages–which span from 2013 to 2017, with many highly redacted–were obtained by the Post after conservative watchdog, Cause of Action Institute, filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit seeking Comey’s work-related emails from his private account.

The emails–according to the Post–show that the former FBI director used his personal email throughout the Clinton email investigation.

You’ll recall that half a day after the original drops about game comms, the entire Xbox network “inexplicably” went down. Same thing happened with the Playstation network shortly thereafter.

Funnily enough, #Anons found a list of James Comey’s favorite games here:

The only online games listed there as having some kind of chat system are Halo and Overwatch… And give that Overwatch is the newer one, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was being used for voice chat. Comey’s favorite character is listed as Bastion there (which officially makes him a dweeb – on top of already being an Overwatch dweeb).

As for re-reading the drops… there was one line that caught my eye, from August 16th (drop 1907):

Drops equate to reaction/action?

I think Q was clarifying on that point when he said today:

Sometimes people need to see the future in order to save the past.

I read this as… there was important data in those game comms that these various Cabal actors needed to pull of the network and preserve, while also purging it from the network. So what did they do?

They called up Bill Gates and had MSFT cull all that data from their profiles, dump the plaintext into some kind of file or database, throw that new file on to a drive, and ship it to the individuals requesting it – maybe on a thumb drive, or something similar (probably hand-delivered. It would be too sensitive to Fedex, for instance).

In other words, get them to freak out. Then then try to cover their tracks. This then sets them up to be caught late, with hard evidence later. (And by “later” I mean either by a spooky white hat, probably recording with a camera, by spy satellite, or by LEO raid. Whatever the means employed, I think you get the picture).

But that’s just pure speculation on my part.