Anonymous ID: 6e89d8 Nov. 13, 2018, 1:47 p.m. No.3889486   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9500

how many of you are made of the right stuff,cut from the same cloth of free thinkers questioning everything that must be questioned. a new but true statement + some of the people leading are followers that should not be leading anything other than their own lives.

they are not dumb but deliberate with the intent on convincing the American people that their mistakes are unintentional.the mistakes are anything but they take everything they want +income tax to spend on lavish luxuries while American patriots and citizens struggle for what most would call basic necessities and essentials. this behaviour is destroying the American dream when they stole your hopes also while telling you foreign invaders are the REAL dreamers. now we are wide awake with no break i want to work the exact amount of time that congress and its leadership work which is a coup le months less and they are the only adults in the country allowed to be manchildren we get no recess unless its a recession,i fucking hope some of yous are smart enough to recieve the messages when they are clear and present. over here we have multilpe plans to only make things better for American citizens and allies. Foreign invaders are everywhere in our great nation be aware and if you believe you are "woke" then you need to go back to the third grade and repeat until you learn about verbs. language will not be destroyed anymore by ignorance,ignorance loses everytime. the concern now is not on fake winning but maintaining and rebuilding. fake wins are real losses. believe in yourself.stay tuned for more messages.