Anonymous ID: d1710f Nov. 13, 2018, 2:04 p.m. No.3889725   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9749


No… No one has a source for Q.


BUT… We know them by their fruits. Don't we?


What "fruit" has Q produced, if any?


Fucking ZILCH… Nada… Zippo.


Not even ONE high-profile arrest… Not a one. Not even one small victory to sooth your rustling jimmies. And this is your "fearless leader"? This is your "hero"? Really? …Lol


Q is just another "good guy", who doesn't have the stones to do what is necessary to stop the bad guys. Like most law enforcement, his position is one of not stopping the bad guys, but instead to prevent you from attempting to stop the bad guys, so they can take years MAKING MONEY doing the "right way".


Q is a hand-cuff to the patriot. Q is a piece of duct-tape over the mouths of those who glamour for justice. Q is representative of fleeting atonement and complacency with the status-quo. (You) refrain from stopping the enemy in his/her tracks because laws compel you to obedience and your beloved Q says to remain docile… How complementary!

Anonymous ID: d1710f Nov. 13, 2018, 2:14 p.m. No.3889870   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0116



Its really as simple as voting for it. But no… Not you, America. You love child-trafficking, theft and murder. You crave it, like a bitch in heat. That's why you continue to vote for it, and to vote for those who protect its sovereignty. YOU are America's problem. YOU, the American. YOU let your enemy walk right in your front door and change the rules of your house. And now that its too hard for you to handle, you need false-hope peddling faggots like "Q" to sell you a dream and convince you you really are "saving the Republic". When all you're really doing is getting out of shape, being socially-quarantined, while sitting at a computer for months on end. So heroic…


In other words… Don't LARP to me, faggot. I'm not buying it. Most of you are powerless. And those of you who have ay power won't do shit anyway. But that won't stop you from talking shit for hours on end here about how you are "taking down the cabal" (when you're not), "taking back your country" (when you're not) and ""ending corruption" (when you're not). This place is all talk and no action. Which translates to a big fucking waste of time and effort.